Principal of Management : From Valsala

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REVISION – Principal of Management
1. Define management.                                                                                                  
2. Why do organizations need managers?                                                                    
3. List and explain the three (3) levels of planning in an organization.                         
4. List and explain the type of skill.                                                                          
5. List and explain the three (3) roles of the manager as outlined by Mintzberg.        
6. List and explain the four (4) major function of management                                     
7. Explain why planning and organizing is an important managerial function.             
8. Differentiate between  a mission statement and vision statement. Provide examples.     
9. Differentiate between centralization and decentralization.                                         
10. How important is good leadership to an organization?                                            
11. Differentiate the styles of leadership between autocratic, democratic and laissez-fire.
12. What does the acronym SMART refer to in the context of goal setting?                 
13. Explain why it is important to study management.
14. Describe three (3) steps of delegation and the advantages of delegation.                
15. What is management by objective (MBO). Identify the major steps in management by objective
      (MBO) process.                                                                                                       
16.Explain six (6) barriers to effective planning.                                                                    
17. Discuss six (6) overcoming barriers to effective planning.                                               
18. Draw and describe the types of control.                                                                  
19. Draw and explain Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory.                                          
20. Define Theory X and Theory Y and create a comparison of Theory X and Theory Y.