10 June 2016, 11am, Friday. Moral Studies Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
MPW 1153
Ethical and Value Concept

to understand defination of morality
to know the value of moral studies

group activities
the great general election 2011
form > 1 political parties based on ideologies of your own choice
the elected politiacal parties must then propose changes or no changes and argue why they are necesary to the youshu code of conduct for moral studies class

goup of people
at least 2 political parties
the media
the public non partisan and non participatory you are free to study during this period

You have 5 minutes to get into the groups of you choice and to choose respecctve leaders where necessary

the political parties have  10 minutes to discuss in their groups to outline their campaign strategy for redefining the codes

the mdia have 2 minutes to present the views of the political parties

haters get 3 minutes to speak before the public makes thir vote

election takes place by vote. the public will vote for which party and which ideal they prefer

the Yoshua code of conduct for moral studies class

Ethic / Morals

Normative Statement
Deontic judgement

Aretaic judgement

Ethics are moral principle that regulate behavior, included philosophical study of right and wrong, which is often divided into three parts.
  1. Descriptive ethics talks about what people do. 
  2. Normative ethics is concerned with sets of rules that guide people to know what they should do; it may prescribe action or character or consequences. Aretaic and Deontic ethics are two systems of normative ethics.
  3. Metaethics thinks analytically about the meaning, cultural relevance, proofs and rationality of normative ethics.

Deontic judgment
based on human reason
looks at the input rather than the outcome

Aretaic judgment
assessment of right and wrong depends on a person character of virues

deontic asks the qustion
what should i do and what should i not do
right and wrong depand upon and set of priciple based on human reaosn or religion form

aretaic asks the question
"what sort of person should be"?

a define virtues and says right acts are those performed by virtues people regardless of the consequences

Extrinsic VS Intrinsic

instrument value
the value of which depends on how much it generates instrict value
example : generate happiness

for its own sake
can be measured

Subjective VS Objective Value
personal vs public opinion

Relative vs Absolute Values
- Differ and can change over time VS constant at tall times and in all place