26 Aug 2016 . 900am . Friday . English For Social Skill : Presentation + Revision
Mr Zaba presentation with the title :
English For Social Skill Revision Class 26 Aug 2016 ( Exam Got Part A & Part B )
Part A - Short - short sentence answer -
Chapter 1 : Give the 5 levels of communication ( intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public and mass)
- 3 way how your voice affect the speech ( pace/speed, pitch / intonation, volume - loud or soft )
- 3P of successful speech ( preparation, practice & perform )
Chapter 3 :
What are the causes of anxiety?
- lack of experience, central of attention, feeling different
- how to overcome anxiety ( total 10 of points) a) practice, b) simulate at home, c) ask friend to be audience, d) act confidence, e) visualize your success, f) focus on your speech, g) acknowlege your fear, f) deep breath, h) mental prep talk, i) channel energy level.
Chapter 4 : how many types of public speaking?
- Dyadic communication : communication between 2 people
- Small group communication : small number of people who can see and speak directly with each other.
- Mass communication : a speak and a large audience of unknown people
- Public speaking : a speaker delivers a message with a specific purpose to an audience who are present during delivery.
What is the similarities between public speaking and other forms of communication?
- like small group communication, public speaking requires you to clearly address issues that are relevant to the topic and occasion
- like mass communication, you have to appeal to a listener's interest, attitudes and values
- like in conversations, you have to attempt to make yourself understood, involve and respond to the listeners and take responsibility for what you say.
What is difference between public speaking and other forms of communication?
- Feedback in public speaking is more restrictive
- preparation must be careful and extensive
- the degree of formality tends to be higher
Chapter 5 : Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs **
Chapter 6 : Type of speech ( persuasive , entertaining , technical, informative ), what is the purpose of these speech
Chapter 7 :
- how may types of presentation aid? a)projection : projector (old), electronic aid. slide : b) object : photos, graph, chart, c) audio, d) handout
- why presentation aid is important ? ( increase the message clarity, reinforce message impact, enhance speaker confidence, increase speaker dynamism 动态 ... )
- when your designing the presentation aids what should you consider about / to be included (focus, layout, highlighting, font color & size, art, lighting)
Part B - Long - essay form - use your own words and easier to score
Chapter 1 :
Chapter 2 :
Chapter 3 :
Chapter 4 :
Chapter 5 :
Chapter 6 : Type of speech ( persuasive , entertaining , technical, informative )
- the cannons of rhetoric : the five part process of preparing a speech IASMD
- invention - adapting to the audience
- arrangement - organizing the speech
- style - language choice ( sense of humor )
- memory - practicing the speech
- delivery - vocal and nonvocal behavior
Remark : Rhetoric : the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing. Oratory : type of public speaking
- before the speech ....
- Determine information to be presented
- Selected the best type of aid
- Ensure easy viewing by audience
- Make sure information is clear
- Constructed professional looking aid
- Practice with aid
- Arrange for safe transportation
- Carry back up supplier - google drive, pen drive, email
- Test Presentation aid
- during the speech ...
- Conceal, the reveal
- Talk to audience
- Refer to aid
- Keep aid in view
- Conceal aid after you have used it
- Use handouts with caution