26 August 2016 . 11am . Friday . Moral Studies : Revision : From Valsala
- Moral
Define morality and ethics?
Morals 道德
Ethics 伦理
Morals 道德
- moralitas derive from Latin word meaning manner, proper behavior
- specifically synonymous with "goodness" or "rightness."
- principles of right and wrong in personal behavior
- a personal standard of beliefs concerning what to accept and not to accept for them to do.
- all these judgement * are religion-based, culturally-based & personal-based
- its more abstract &subjective.
Ethics 伦理
- ethos derive from Greek work meaning custom, habit, character or disposition.
- moral philosophy 道德哲学
- branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles
- concepts of ethics have been derived from religions, cultures and philosophies
- ethic is governing a person's / group's behavior
- conceived 设想 as shared principles promoting fairness in social and business interactions业务交互.
- ethics are more practical,
- three areas: metaethics, normative ethics and applied ethics
Define tribal morality 部落道德 and territorial morality领土道德. Provide examples in your explanation.
Territorial Morality
wilayah / daerah - tidak harap daerah, kawasan, hak miliknya yang dibawah perlindungannya diganggu atau diceroboh. Pada masa yang sama, dia orang juga tidak setuju, wilayah orang lain diceroboh dan diganggu.
predominantly (主要 terutamanya ) negative and proscriptive 剥夺人权的 ( melucutkan hak-hak asasi manusia ). It defines a person's territory, including his or her property and dependents, which is not to be damaged or interfered with. Apart from these proscriptions, territorial morality is permissive, allowing the individual whatever behaviour does not interfere with the territory of another
By contrast, tribal ( puak ) morality is prescriptive指令性的, imposing ( mengenakan ) the norms of the collective on the individual. These norms will be arbitrary (随意 sewenang-wenangnya ), culturally dependent ( bergantung kepada budaya ) and 'flexible', whereas territorial morality aims at rules which are universal and absolute, such as Kant's 'categorical imperative' and Geisler's graded absolutism. Green relates the development of territorial morality to the rise of the concept of private property, and the ascendancy of contract over status.
Territorial Morality
wilayah / daerah - tidak harap daerah, kawasan, hak miliknya yang dibawah perlindungannya diganggu atau diceroboh. Pada masa yang sama, dia orang juga tidak setuju, wilayah orang lain diceroboh dan diganggu.
predominantly (主要 terutamanya ) negative and proscriptive 剥夺人权的 ( melucutkan hak-hak asasi manusia ). It defines a person's territory, including his or her property and dependents, which is not to be damaged or interfered with. Apart from these proscriptions, territorial morality is permissive, allowing the individual whatever behaviour does not interfere with the territory of another
By contrast, tribal ( puak ) morality is prescriptive指令性的, imposing ( mengenakan ) the norms of the collective on the individual. These norms will be arbitrary (随意 sewenang-wenangnya ), culturally dependent ( bergantung kepada budaya ) and 'flexible', whereas territorial morality aims at rules which are universal and absolute, such as Kant's 'categorical imperative' and Geisler's graded absolutism. Green relates the development of territorial morality to the rise of the concept of private property, and the ascendancy of contract over status.
3. Distinguish between immoral 不道德,放荡 and amoral 不道德 , 非道德 ? Give examples.
Immoral dan amoral nampaknya ada persammaanya. Sebenarnya dia ada perbezaan yang jelas. Immoral adalah melakukan sesuatu yang salah sedangkan sudah menyedarinya adalah satu kesalahan. contoh adalah rasuah. Immoral jelasnya adalah sudah salah. Amoral adalah melakukan sesuatu yang tak semestinya salah ataupun betul. Sebab dia tak menyedarinya adalah salah atau betul. Contoh adalah bayi yang baru dilahir.
Immorality is the active opposition to morality example : corrupt, unethical, sinful, or just wrong
amorality is variously defined as an unawareness of, indifference toward, or disbelief in any set of moral standards or principles
Immoral dan amoral nampaknya ada persammaanya. Sebenarnya dia ada perbezaan yang jelas. Immoral adalah melakukan sesuatu yang salah sedangkan sudah menyedarinya adalah satu kesalahan. contoh adalah rasuah. Immoral jelasnya adalah sudah salah. Amoral adalah melakukan sesuatu yang tak semestinya salah ataupun betul. Sebab dia tak menyedarinya adalah salah atau betul. Contoh adalah bayi yang baru dilahir.
Immorality is the active opposition to morality example : corrupt, unethical, sinful, or just wrong
amorality is variously defined as an unawareness of, indifference toward, or disbelief in any set of moral standards or principles
Comparison Chart
Amoral | Immoral |
Unconcerned with morality or having lack of moral sense | Deliberately violating rules/codes of society |
Does not know what is right or wrong | Knows what is right or wrong |
Doesn’t necessarily mean bad or wrong | Dictates against bad or wrong actions |
Explain the meaning of the virtues 美德 kebaikan
- “duty” or “virtue.” It means acting correctly toward other men and God Source:
- behavior showing high moral standards.
- A virtue is a trait or quality deemed to be morally good and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being. Personal virtues are characteristics valued as promoting collective and individual greatness. The opposite of virtue is vice.
sifat dan kelakuan yang dianggap mempunyai nilai nilai moral yang tinggi. Makanya ia dikatakan sebagai nilai asas and prinsip seseorang. Yang bertentangan dengan kelakuan yang baik adalah maksiat,
- “duty” or “virtue.” It means acting correctly toward other men and God Source:
- behavior showing high moral standards.
- A virtue is a trait or quality deemed to be morally good and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being. Personal virtues are characteristics valued as promoting collective and individual greatness. The opposite of virtue is vice.
sifat dan kelakuan yang dianggap mempunyai nilai nilai moral yang tinggi. Makanya ia dikatakan sebagai nilai asas and prinsip seseorang. Yang bertentangan dengan kelakuan yang baik adalah maksiat,
The word “Casuist” is derived from Latin “Case”. Describe Casuist. 花招
the use of clever but unsound reasoning, especially in relation to moral questions
who attempts to resolve moral dilemmas by the application of general rules and the careful distinction of special cases
orang yang pandai menyelasaikan masalah mengenai moral tetapi dengan cara yang agak luar biasa.
the use of clever but unsound reasoning, especially in relation to moral questions
who attempts to resolve moral dilemmas by the application of general rules and the careful distinction of special cases
orang yang pandai menyelasaikan masalah mengenai moral tetapi dengan cara yang agak luar biasa.
Differentiate between Deontic judgments 道义判断 and
Aretaic judgment 德性的判断. Provide examples in your
People use ethical theories every day to make decisions about right and wrong, usually without knowing the name of the ethical theory they're using. Situations come up in which it can be hard to make a good decision, because every ethical theory has both strong points and weak points.
should always strive to bring about good consequences, rather than simply obeying an arbitrary set of ethical rules. The strong point of consequentialism is that it provides a clear and easy-to-understand guideline. Consequentialism = Aretaic Judgement
arete derive from Greek words mean virtue or excellent. when we make aretaic judegment, we can says certainly that person motive, intention & trait of character are morally good, bad, virtuous, vicious,
example 1
consequentialism would tell you not to drink and drive because it could have negative consequences for both yourself and other people. The weak point of consequentialism is that it can lead to conclusions that almost everyone would find unethical.
example 2
even if the death of one person could save ten people through organ donations, hardly anyone would advocate killing a person for that reason.
deon derive from Greek words mean duty. when we make deontic judgement. we can say certainly that person action is morally right, wrong, obligation. Some people believe that right is right and wrong is wrong, regardless of the consequences. The strong point of deontology is that it is much harder to use it to rationalize an unethical decision than consequentialism is.
example 1
you could argue that if you steal a million dollars but donate most of it to charity, you are doing more overall good than if you didn't steal the money. Deontology would not allow this argument -- stealing is wrong and that's all there is to it. The weak point of deontology is that it doesn't always address extreme situations where most people would be willing to grant an ethical exception.
example 2
a deontologist who was also a pacifist could argue that it is always wrong to use violence, but most people would make an exception in cases of self-defense.
The Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan was destroy by Tabliban in 2008.
People use ethical theories every day to make decisions about right and wrong, usually without knowing the name of the ethical theory they're using. Situations come up in which it can be hard to make a good decision, because every ethical theory has both strong points and weak points.
should always strive to bring about good consequences, rather than simply obeying an arbitrary set of ethical rules. The strong point of consequentialism is that it provides a clear and easy-to-understand guideline. Consequentialism = Aretaic Judgement
arete derive from Greek words mean virtue or excellent. when we make aretaic judegment, we can says certainly that person motive, intention & trait of character are morally good, bad, virtuous, vicious,
example 1
consequentialism would tell you not to drink and drive because it could have negative consequences for both yourself and other people. The weak point of consequentialism is that it can lead to conclusions that almost everyone would find unethical.
example 2
even if the death of one person could save ten people through organ donations, hardly anyone would advocate killing a person for that reason.
deon derive from Greek words mean duty. when we make deontic judgement. we can say certainly that person action is morally right, wrong, obligation. Some people believe that right is right and wrong is wrong, regardless of the consequences. The strong point of deontology is that it is much harder to use it to rationalize an unethical decision than consequentialism is.
example 1
you could argue that if you steal a million dollars but donate most of it to charity, you are doing more overall good than if you didn't steal the money. Deontology would not allow this argument -- stealing is wrong and that's all there is to it. The weak point of deontology is that it doesn't always address extreme situations where most people would be willing to grant an ethical exception.
example 2
a deontologist who was also a pacifist could argue that it is always wrong to use violence, but most people would make an exception in cases of self-defense.
God Told Me To
Many people base their ethical decisions on the principles of a particular religion, often in the belief that they are obeying the will of God. This position is known as divine command ethics. The strength of this ethical position is that it can help a person overcome her own ethical weak points. For instance, a person with a lot of anger may choose not to act on that anger because Jesus said to turn the other cheek. The disadvantage of this ethical theory is that it is unclear whether an action commanded by God is supposed to be good for its own sake or solely because God is believed to have ordered it. If the action is good for its own sake, it must be explained in terms of one of the other ethical theories. If it is good solely because God commanded it, then the question becomes, What if God commanded something reprehensible?The Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan was destroy by Tabliban in 2008.
Virtue ethics is a less-common but very ancient approach to making ethical decisions. Instead of focusing on the decision being made, virtue ethics concentrates on the person making the decision.
example 1
a consequentialist might argue that you should risk your life to save a drowning person because it would make him and his family happier if you saved him, but virtue ethics would say that you should try to rescue him because it is courageous and you should aspire to be a courageous person. The strength of virtue ethics is that it addresses the inner life of the person making ethical decisions rather than simply providing a guide for behavior. The weak point of virtue ethics is that different people have different ideas about which virtues a person should cultivate.
7. Lying is universally accepted bad moral value. Justify
why lying is immoral and unethical.
List the five (5) fundamental moral values according to Haidt’s "Moral
Foundations Theory”.
Jonathan Haidt has come up with a definition of Morality that is quite useful. He used secular means (the scientific method) to arrive at what he considered a sound foundation for Morality (which he denotes as synonymous with Ethics). He has reduced Morality to be comprised of five basic components.
a)Harm / Care
b) Fairness / Reciprocity
c) In-group / Loyalty
d) Authority / Respect
e) Purity / Sanctity ( Kesucian )
Jonathan Haidt has come up with a definition of Morality that is quite useful. He used secular means (the scientific method) to arrive at what he considered a sound foundation for Morality (which he denotes as synonymous with Ethics). He has reduced Morality to be comprised of five basic components.
a)Harm / Care
b) Fairness / Reciprocity
c) In-group / Loyalty
d) Authority / Respect
e) Purity / Sanctity ( Kesucian )
9. State and explain:
a) Extrinsic values and Intrinsic values
b) Subjective values and objective values
c) Relative values and Absolute values
10. State the three (3) sources, principles of determinants and provide the
example of each point.
11.”Actions are ethical and legal, but not moral”, for example,
abortion. Do you agree or
disagree with this statement? Justify your
12. “Discrimination happens in all facets of public life.” Share a
discriminative incident that you
have experienced as an
employee. Why do you classify it as a case of discrimination?
Man is responsible for moral behavior. Explain why?
Morality presupposes ( 前提 / Andaikan ) a person. Discuss.
in group and out group
Some observers hold that individuals apply distinct sets of moral rules to people depending on their membership of an "in-group" (the individual and those they believe to be of the same culture or race) or an "out-group" (people not entitled to be treated according to the same rules). Some biologists, anthropologists and evolutionary psychologists believe this in-group/out-group discrimination has evolved because it enhances group survival.
This belief has been confirmed by simple computational models of evolution.[11] In simulations this discrimination can result in both unexpected cooperation towards the in-group and irrational hostility towards the out-group.[12] Gary R. Johnson and V.S. Falger have argued that nationalism and patriotism are forms of this in-group/out-group boundary. Jonathan Haidt has noted[13] that experimental observation indicating an in-group criterion provides one moral foundation substantially used by conservatives, but far less so by liberals.
Morality presupposes ( 前提 / Andaikan ) a person. Discuss.
in group and out group
Some observers hold that individuals apply distinct sets of moral rules to people depending on their membership of an "in-group" (the individual and those they believe to be of the same culture or race) or an "out-group" (people not entitled to be treated according to the same rules). Some biologists, anthropologists and evolutionary psychologists believe this in-group/out-group discrimination has evolved because it enhances group survival.
This belief has been confirmed by simple computational models of evolution.[11] In simulations this discrimination can result in both unexpected cooperation towards the in-group and irrational hostility towards the out-group.[12] Gary R. Johnson and V.S. Falger have argued that nationalism and patriotism are forms of this in-group/out-group boundary. Jonathan Haidt has noted[13] that experimental observation indicating an in-group criterion provides one moral foundation substantially used by conservatives, but far less so by liberals.