5 August 2016 . 9am . Friday . English For Social Skills Chapter 7 : Presentation

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Presentation Aids

What is the main objective when we use the presentation aids during our presentation?
  1. Increase message clarity
  2. Reinforce message impact
  3. Increase speaker dynamism
  4. Enhance speaker confidence
What type of presentation aids can be used? suitable with the theme of presentain - property, medical talk, children stationary
  1. Object - Pictures, Diagram, Line Graph, Bar Graph, Pie Graph, Chart, Map
  2. Projection  - Projection ( old ), Electronic Aids, 
  3. Handout
  4. Audio 
  5. Real Sample
Designing presentation aids
  1. Focus
  2. Layout
  3. Highlighting
  4. Fonts
  5. Color & Art - Contrast color
Using presentation aids

before the speech ....
  1. Determine information to be presented
  2. Selected the best type of aid
  3. Ensure easy viewing by audience
  4. Make sure information is clear
  5. Constructed professional looking aid 
  6. Practice with aid
  7. Arrange for safe transportation
  8. Carry back up supplier - google drive, pen drive, email
  9. Test Presentation aid 
during the speech ...
  1. Conceal, the reveal
  2. Talk to audience
  3. Refer to aid
  4. Keep aid in view
  5. Conceal aid after you have used it
  6. Use handouts with caution 

Remark :
  • test HDMI, VGA or lighting.
  • Pen-drive with content
  • Selling children product, presentation have to be child theme, cartoon. Selling property