24 Aug 2016 . Wed . 9am . Econ
what is Unemployement
Funtion of money **
Type of money **
keynesian approach to money demand **
- tansaction motive
- precautionary motive
- sepculative motive
- accepatbility
- durability
- portability
- divisibilit
- scacity
- issuse notes and ccoins for the nation
- managem payments to and fromt he gov
- manage national debt
- supervises banking system
- lenderr of the last resor to the banking system
- manages the nations ffold and forent
- .....
national income in 3 sector
Chapter 10
fiscal and moetary policy
Type of moentarypoicy **
- contractionary or tight monetary policy
- expansionary or easy monetary policy
- contractionary policy
- expansionary policy
- fiscal policy
- ?