24 Aug 2016 . Wed . 9am . Econ

18:38 Unknown 0 Comments



what is Unemployement

Funtion of money **

Type of money **

keynesian approach to money demand **
  1. tansaction motive 
  2. precautionary motive
  3. sepculative motive
Characcteristic of money **
  1. accepatbility
  2. durability
  3. portability
  4.   divisibilit
  5. scacity
Role of a central bank **
  1. issuse notes and ccoins for the nation
  2. managem payments to and fromt he gov
  3. manage national debt
  4. supervises banking system 
  5. lenderr of the last resor to the banking system
  6. manages the nations ffold and forent
  7. .....
Aggregate demand and supply ( understanding enough )
national income in 3 sector

Chapter 10
fiscal and moetary policy

Type of moentarypoicy **
  1. contractionary or tight monetary policy
  2. expansionary or easy monetary policy
 Type of fiscal policy **
  1. contractionary policy
  2. expansionary policy
Measure to reduce unemployment
  1. fiscal policy 
  2. ?