Malaysia Study

15:30 Unknown 0 Comments

Nyatakan 5 factok yang menyebabkan kegemilangan Melaka sebagai pusat dagangan yang penting
  1. Pentadbiran
  2. Kedudukan Strategik
  3. Ekonomi
  4. Agama islam
  5. Sistem cukai
  6. Keamana and ketenteraman -
  7. Tempat persinggahan  - persediaan dan kemudahan yang boleh memenuhi saudagar seperti gudang bawah tanah 
  8. perananan orang laut
  9. penggunaan mata wang
  10. sistem sukat
  11. kaya dengan sumber seperti hasil hutan ( cengkal, damar, rotan, kayu wangi ) dan rempah 
  12. hasil laut
  13. sistem pengurusan melaka yang cekap
  14. china beri perlindungan
Salah satu faktor semulajadi yang menyubang kepada kegemilangan Melaka sebagai pusat dagangan yang penting adalah kedudukan yang strategik. nayta 5 faktor nya

  1. terletak di tengah tengah jalan pertemuman dari timur ( China ) dan barat ( Tanah Arab,  India )
  2. perairan selat melaka adalah dalam
  3. perlabuhan adalah jauh dari paya bakau
  4. terlekak di persimpangan angin
  5. terselindung dari angin kencang
  6. pertemuan anging monsun ( timur laut - nov-> march , barat daya - april - oct )
  7. lorong sempit - daya tarikan untuk singgah
Salah satu faktor yang menyubang kepada kegemilangan Melaka sebagai pusat dagangan yang penting adalah pentadbiran yang cekap nayta 5 faktor nya
  1. Hukum kanun Melaka
  2. Undang Undang laut
  3. Sistem percukaian
  4. nakhoda
  5. shahbandar
  6. rapat dengan china
  7. orang laut
  8. bahasa melayu
Kerutuhan Melaka - Sebab Sebab
  1. Kematian tun perak - kelemahah pemimpin
  2. Askar tak terlatih dan tidak taat
  3. Kedatangan portugis
  4. alat perperangan kurang moden
  5. perpaduan dan rampasan kuasa
Kesan social kedatangan jepun
  1. bahasa jepun wajib belajar
  2. public holiday jepun diperkenalkan
  3. orang melayu dilayan baik dengan tujuan dapat pentadbiran
  4. sekolah ingeris dan cina dihapuskan sekolah jepun diperkenal kan
  5. kimigayo lagu kebangsaan diperkenalkan 

rukun negara


14 Nov 2016 . Monday . 2pm . English For Business Communication

22:53 Unknown 0 Comments

Section A Structural Question  ( 5 - 8 question )
Section B Essay ( 2 Question )

Chapter 2

How organization return

electronic messages
email and instant messages
best practice for IM professionally
advantages & disadvantages using IM

theory part about email
how to get started email
getting started

Chapter 3 
what is communication, feature of communication, component of communication, 
memorize the picture of process of communication , effective communication 

What is communication?
- communication is art of transmitting
  • information 
  • ideas
  • attitudes from one person to another. 

- communication is the process of meaningful  
  • interaction among human beings. 

Why communication if important?
Communication is important because, it a lifeblood of every organization

There are 2 type of communication.  Internal and External. What are the internal communication?
  • upward communication
  • downward communication
  • lateral or horizontal communication

What are the features of communication?
  • 2 way process
  • information sharing and understanding
  • verbal and non-verbal
  • circular flow ( 循環活動 )
  • goal oriented
  • continuous process
  • pervasive activity ( berleluasa )

What are the components of communication?
  • sender - encoder
  • message
  • medium - channel
  • receiver - decoder
  • feedback
Draw a communication process.

sender => encoding message => message channel => decoding message => receiver

note: there are noise between the encoding and decoding.

There are 2 type of communication.  Internal and External. Based on the communication channels used there are another 2 types of communication . What are they?
  • verbal communication ( oral and written )
  • non verbal communication ( gesture手勢, body language, face expression, posture 姿勢, tone of voice )
What are the 3 main element of non verbal communication?
  • Body language - gesture, posture, face expression,
  • Sound - tone, volume, speech rate
  • Appearance - use of cosmetics, clothing, hairstyle, neatness.

What are the principles of effective communication?
  • clarity 明晰
  • objective 目的
  • understanding the receiver 理解
  • consistency 一致
  • completeness 完整性
  • feedback 回复
  • time 時間
Communicating is straight forward. What makes it complex, difficult & frustrating are the barrier we put in the way. What are the barriers in communication?

  • message congruency 消息一致性
  • expectation
  • information overloaded
  • trust and credibility
  • avoidance 避免
  • fixing 
  • scapegoating 替罪羊
  • probing 探測
  • speaking in code 在代碼中
  • exclusion 排除
  • control
  • blaming
  • boundary or barrier
  • time
  • emotions
  • conflict avoidance
note: as a negotiator, why sometime fail to deliver the messages to the potential prospect? why a student fail in their study even the presenter had well present? why a an angry couple not understand each other? the language speak between the army? when you boycott someone


What are the 7 C's of effective communication?
  1. completeness 完整性
  2. conciseness 簡明
  3. consideration 考慮
  4. clarity 明晰
  5. concreteness 具體性
  6. courtesy 禮貌
  7. correctness 正確性
note : imagine you are presenting a Maisson Residence final release unit to potential buyer. 
  1. What should a consultant should have in their attitude 1st? courtesy
  2. Have to present in KISS way - conciseness. 
  3. Your content and information must be - clarity, concreteness
  4. You have to answer the questions asked - completeness
  5. Make the buyer consider buy your product - consideration
we cannot judge walk in buyer by surface and we should think that is opp
courtesy - no discriminatory expression, show respect, thoughtful & appreciative

we will brieftly show them the scale model and brieft introduction of about Maisson

Chapter 4
write a letter

Chapter 5

Chapter 6


14 Nov 2016 . Monday . 9am . Information Technology

19:02 Unknown 0 Comments

Final Exam is 40%, Blog 30%, Diagnostic Test 10%, Diagnostic Test 10%, Diagnostic Test 10%

Section A  ( 6 to 7 questions : 30 marks )

Section B ( 2 questions : 20 marks )

definition & function, elaborate , advantages and disadvantages, example

what is computer?
electronic device that storing, processing data and retrieve data. 

what is the function of computer?

how important computer to our life?

What is Information Technology?

Main component unit in the computer ( output and input )

What is the defination of input device?
What is the function of input device?
Give 7 example of input devices
Briefly explain the function of the 7 example

input devices
  • keyboard
  • mouse / mouse pointing ( laptop )
  • joystick 
  • scanner
  • microphone
  • sensor device
  • handwriting recognition - pen based input
pointing based 

output device
  • speaker / headphone / earphone ( sound )
  • monitor ( visual )
  • printer 
  • projector
 definition & function, elaborate , advantages and disadvantages, example
 different between keyboard and joystick

What is computer system unit?
its contains electronic components of the computer used to process data

Give example of components of computer system unit?
  • motherboard
  • chip
  • heat sink / heat pipe
  • RAM
  • Hard Disk Drive
  • CD room / DVD room
  • RAM
  • Processor
  • power supply 

What is the function of the example of computer system unit you mention above



7 Nov 2016 . Monday . 2pm . Malaysia Studies Chapter 4 : Malaysian Unity & Society

22:23 Unknown 0 Comments

Plural Society
J.S Furnival :
2 or more ethics groups who live under one political unit ( a country ) but maintain their separate cultural identities

what is the definition of plural society

Social Characteristics of Plural Society
The diversity of culture, the physical separation, identification of ethnic by employment, lack of social contract and the existence of a dominant group politically.

National Unity

The uniting of various groups that have different social and cultural backgrounds into physical entity

External in form

physical development

National Integration
A process of uniting groups with different backgrounds into one entity bound by common norms, values and interests

Abstract process

Spiritual development

Malaysia Concept Of Unity
A process of uniting the members of the society and the country as a whole through national ideologies so that the members of the society can be build up an identity common values and sense of belonging.

National Unity to be achieved at territorial, economic, politic, educational, social and cultural.

example is 1 Malaysia

The Theory Of Racial Relation
  • Segregation
  • Accommodation
  • Acculturation
  • Assimilation
  • Amalgamation

  • Segregation
Split in various area : residence, the school system, transportation, public facilities By Law ( de jure ) eg : Apartheid Policy or not by law ( de facto )

example is Apartheid Policy in Africa ( during Nelson Mandela ) 

Malaysia : Policy introduce by British colonial power Divide the Malays, Chinese, Indian into different occupation, place of living and education.
Malays in villages, Chinese in town, Indian in Estates
Education based on ethic interest.

  • Accomodation
A process where the ethic groups are aware of each others norms and values but they continue to safeguard their own living culture. Live in harmony and respect each other .
In goverment , has their representatives. Switzerland : German, French, Italian

After colonial power, people start to communicate to each other, understand and respect



7 Nov 2016 . Monday . 11am . English For Business Communication

22:22 Unknown 0 Comments


7 Nov 2016 . Monday . 9am . Information Technology Chapter 3

22:20 Unknown 0 Comments


31 October 2016 . Monday . 230pm . Malaysian Studies Chapter 5 : Main Policies

23:21 Unknown 0 Comments

Economy Based Policy

The Third National Agricultural Policy ( 1998 - 2010 )

  • to enhance food security
  • to increase productivity and competitiveness of the sector
  • to deepen linkages with other sectors
  • to create new sources of growth for the sector 
  • to conserve and utilize natural resources on a sustainable basis
  • a product based approach for commodity development will therefore be employed where key products and markets are identified based on market demand, preferences and potential.
  • meeting national food requirements where domestic food production will be enhanced through large-scale food production by the private sector
  • enhancing competitiveness and profitability in the agricultural sector will require focusing in promoting globally competitive industries in agriculture and forestry
  • a strong requisite economic foundation is necessary to support and sustain the development of existing core agricultural and forestry industries and initiate the growth of new ones
  • exports of agricultural output contributes significantly to the nation's earning so foreign exchange. among the more important agricultural exports are palm oil, rubber and cocoa beans.  
  • palm oil and related products are the country's largest export earners
National Incorporated Policy

the main objective is for the private and the government should work closely together in a manner where both of these sectors will going benefits from this cooperation

explore various business opportunities in and outside the country

improve programmes of expertise sharing among mistries and the private sector

export promotion council by the Ministry of Trade and Industry ( 1985 )

Malaysian Bussiness Coucil ( 1991 )
INTAN - Sponsored business courses. Increase earning through business income taxes.

National Privatization Policy

to complements incorporated policy

National Industrialization Policy

to encourage full utilization of our natural resources
to let the manufacturing industry as the catalyst for our industrial growth

Heavy Industries Policy

Social Based Policies


31 October 2016 . Monday . 11am . English For Business Communication Chapter 5 : Basic Business Communication Tools

20:44 Unknown 0 Comments


Basic Report


the act of offering or suggestion something for acceptance, adoption or performance


31 Oct 2016 . Monday . 9am . Information Technology Diagostic Test 2 : Input Output Devices and Computer Hardward

20:42 Unknown 0 Comments

Diagnostic Test 2

  1. Define input and output devices
  2. List down 5 output devices
  3. Printer played a big part in filing and documentation. List down 3 function of printer
  4. State the difference between Mouse & Joy Stick


24 October 2016 . Monday . 2pm . Malaysia Studies : Diagnostic Test

23:55 Unknown 0 Comments


  1.     list any 3 characteristics of Old Kedah
  2.     explain the reasons which has contributed to golden age of Melaka
  3.     discuss the objective of Japanese occupation in Malayan Land
  4.     describe the formation of Communist Party of Malaya
  5.     In brief state and discuss the characteristics of Malayan Union



24 Oct 2016 . Monday . 11am . English For Business Communication Chapter 4 : Basic Letter Writing

20:49 Unknown 0 Comments

Who are you writing to?

From purpose through process

The power of words to express and not to impress

Structure your writing to research your reader

9 steps for better sales letter

The power of visual, white space and headings

How to start and stop

Zero based writing

Dealing with tough situations

Persuading your readers

Reports, Reports, Reports

Top 10 tips for writing well in business
  1. know your readers
  2. feature the "you attitude"

Rhetorical Triangle


24 Oct 2016 . Monday . 9am . Information Technology : Assignment

20:40 Unknown 0 Comments

Create one blog with minimum 1 post

Submit your blog link to
Due date is 31 October 2016



24 Oct 2016 . Monday . 9am . Information Technology : Tuitorial

20:39 Unknown 0 Comments


Chapter 1 : Introduction to computer
  1. give definition of information technology
  2. list down the importance of information technology
  3. what is computer?
  4. list the improtance of computer
  5. list downt the telecommunication devices
  6. list 3 types of computer
  7. what is category of computer and describe it
  8. gives 3 basic function of sofware
  9. explain 3 main system software in short

Chapter 2: Input output devices and computer hardware
  1. define an input devices and output devices
  2. describe 3 basic type of mouse
  3. what is optical mark reader ( OMR )
  4. what is the function of CCD camera

Chapter 3: Components of system units
  1. what is circuit board?
  2. define the meaning of chip
  3. list and describe 2 main components of CPU
  4. list and describe 4 operations of Machine Cycle
  5. what is definition of memory
  6. please indicate the example of registers

Chapter 4: Storage
  1.  give definition of Floppy Disk Drives ( FDD ) and list the advantages and disadvantages of FDD


Chapter 1 : Introduction to computer

1. give definition of information technology
Information technology (IT) is the use of any computers, storage, networking and other physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms of electronic data.

2. list down the importance of information technology
  • essntial ingredient in managing business 
  • processes of most organizations
  • reductions in adminstration costs
  • improve staff productivity
  •  assist in the design and manufacture of products
  • imporve the efficiency of interactions with clients
  • customers, suppliers and distribution outlets
  • create opportunities ofr new services, products ad business ventures
3 .what is computer?
an electronic device that stores, retrieves, and processes data and can be programmed with instructions. A computer is composed of hardware and software and can exist in a variety of sizes and configuration.

4. list the importance of computer
  • business - They can do business transactions very easily and accurately and keep the record of all the profit and loss. Today computers can be found in every store, supermarkets, restaurants, offices etc. special software is used in these computers to calculate the huge bills within seconds
  • communication - Through email we can send messages to anybody in any part of the world in just a second while if we write letter then it will reach in some days.
  • bank - Almost every bank is using computers to keep the record of all the money transaction and other calculations. Moreover it provides speed, convenience and security

    5 . list down the telecommunication devices
    • wireless phone
    • personal digital assistant
    • walkie talkie
    • pager
    • fax machine
    • video conferencing 
    • telegraph

    6. list 3 types of computer
    • analog - process physical data
    • digital - process data in binary
    • hybrid - combination of analog and digital computer

    7. what is category of computer and describe it
    •  mainframe - larges catogory of computer used for major business processing
    • midrange - middle size computer capable of suporting the computing needs of small organization or of managing networks of other computers
    • minicomputer - middle range computers used in Universities, factories and research laboratories as server to manage organization computer network.

    8. gives 3 basic function of software
    •  manange computer system's data sources 
    • create plateforms and tools to used the data source
    • act as the " middle man" between human and data source storage

    9. explain 3 main system software in short
    • operating systems - manage and control the computer's activities
    • computer language translation programs - convert programming languages into machine language
    • utility programs - common processing tasks.

    Chapter 2: Input output devices and computer hardware

    1. define an input devices and output devices 
    • insput device captures data and sends it to a computer system
    • input device convert physical movement such as key pressing or environmental data such as temperature, sound or light into electrical signal 

    2.describe 3 basic type of mouse
    • mechanical - has a rubber or metal ball on itss underside that can roll in all directions
    • opt mechanical - same as mechanical but uses optical sensors to direct motion of the ball
    • optical - uses laser to detect the mouse moment. they responses more quickly and precisely than mechanically and opt mechanical mouse

    3. what is optical mark reader ( OMR )
    • optical mark reader
    • its a special mark such as squires or bubbles are prepared on examination answer sheets with pencil or ink
    • OMR detects these mark and sends corresponding signals to the processor
    • if mark is present the amount of reflected light is reduced
    • analysis of objective types question

    4. what is the function of CCD camera
    to provide vision to computers sensors like video camera and opticron cameras
    provide signals proportional to the intensity of light falling on the object
    CCD image sensors are widely used in professional, medical and scientific application where high quality image data is required

    Chapter 3: Components of system units

    1. what is circuit board?
    • thin board containing chips - very small pieces of silicon or other semi-conducting material onto which integrated circuits are embedded and other electronic components

    2. define the meaning of chip
    • small piece of semi conducting material on which integrated circuits are etched

    3 .list and describe 2 main components of CPU
    • arithmetic or logic unit - perform 2 types of operations, arithmetic ( +,-*, /) and logic ( <,>=)
    • control unit - tell the rest of computer how to carry out a programs instructions, work with a program counter, it directs the movement of electronic signals between memory, instruction and arithmetic logic unit

    4 .list and describe 4 operations of Machine Cycle
    • step 1 : fetch - obtain program instruction or data item from memory
    • step 2 : decode - translate instruction into commands
    • step 3 : execute - carry out command
    • step 4 : store - write result to memory

    5. what is definition of memory
    • electronic components that sotre instructions , data and results
    • consist of one or more chips on motherboard or other circuit board
    • its hold memory modules
     6. please indicate the example of registers
    • accumulator
    • program counter
    • instruction resiter
    • memory address register
    • memory data register
    • status register

    Chapter 4: Storage
     1 . give definition of Floppy Disk Drives ( FDD ) and list the advantages and disadvantages of FDD
    • floopy disk drive used to read and write info to and from floppy drive
    • the advantages of FDD is its portability and disadvantages is limited storage capacity


    24 Oct 2016 . Monday . 9am . Information Technology : Diagnostic Test

    20:38 Unknown 0 Comments

     Diagnostic Test
    1. Define information technology - 3 marks
    2. List down 5 telecommunication devices - 5 marks
    3. List down 3 function of computer - 6 marks
    4. State the differences between Microsoft Window 98 and Window 2000 - 6 marks


    10 Oct 2016 . Monday . 230pm . Malaysia Studies Chapter 3 : The Formation Of Malaysia

    23:44 Unknown 0 Comments

    To protect the British interests. The British Cabinet had discussed the issue in 1888.

    First move came in 1961, Tunku Abdul Rahman annouced in idea

    British's View
    • To grant Singapore independence for fear of the communist's growing power on the island
    • Singapore was too small to be entirely on its own
    • Willing to allow the Tunku to take overall responsibility for Singapore's security within Malaysia

    Malaysia's View
    • Tunku was worried that the communists in Singapore would become too powerful
    • A communist goverment at its doorstep would be extremly dangerous for Malaya
    • If Malaya merged with Singapore, Tunku Abdul Rahman's government could control the communist activities. 
    • In the 1957 Census for Malaya, the racial balance was fairly equal between the Malays and the "non-Malays"
    • But in the enlarged federation of Malaysia, the Malays and "natives" of Brunei, Sarawak and North Borneo would slightly outnumber the Chinese, Indians and "other non-Malays"
    • The Tunku Dropped his opposition to the proposed merger with predominantly Chinese Singapore only after the British assured him that the three Borneo territories of Brunei, Sarawak and North Borneo could join Malaysia. 
    Emergency Law 1948
    • Gave power to the poice and soldiers to arrest and detain communist suspect without trial 
    Singapore's View
    • The Singapore goverment felt that the best way to solve the country's unemployment problem would be to join or merge with Malaya
    • Singapore did not have any raw materials, so it had to depend on industries to help the country grow and prosper.
    • Seeking a merger with Malaya was so that Singapore could break completely free from British control
    • Lee Kuan Yew needed the merger because the communists were creating problems for his ruling People's Action Party (PAP) in Singapore
     Factors For The Formation
    • The communist threat
    • Ethnic politics and ethnic balances
    • Independence factor
    • Decline of British power
    • Economic cooperation and international relation in the region
    Federation of Malaya
    • Pro-Tunku and the Alliance Party ( Parti Perikatan )
    • Against - Parti Rakyat & Pan Malayan Islamic Party
    Sabah and Sarawak
    • Pro - Free from British, Communist Threat
    • Against - " Malayan Domination" fear the status of religion and language would be threatened, Chinese afraid of economic competition with Chinese Singaporeans
    • Pro-Sultan
    • Agaist - Brunei People's Party, A.M. Azahari
    • Prefer to ounite North Borneo ( Sabah ) and Sarawak under the name of North Kalimantan
    • Arm rebellion against the Sultan 
    Indonesia's Critic
    • President Sukarno, called it a " neo - colonial plot", arguing it was of Britain's "Grand Design" to decolonize the region and to exert influence by still having military bases and influence in these territories
    • President Sukarno argued that Malaysia was a puppet of the British and that the consolidation of Malaysia would increase British control over the region, threatening Indonesia's independence
    • As early as 1945, President Sukarno had visualize that the Malays Penisula would form the neck of an Indonesian archipelago encircling Singapore, all of the North Borneo states and the Philippines
    • "Konfrontasi" campaign, troubled the Malayan people from 1963 to 1966 
    The Philippines
    • Philippines made a claim for Sabah, arguing that it had historic links with Philippines through the Sulu archipelago
    • In a Manila summit, Philippines proposed the formation of a super-federation known as "Ma-Phil-Indo", incorporation Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesa
    Important Events
    • Visit to Sabah and Sarawak ( June 1961 )
    • Tunku's visit to Brunei ( July 1961 )
    • Negotiation with Singapore ( August 1961 )
    • Malaysia Solidarity Consultative Committee ( Mid 1961 )
    • Cobbold Commission ( report was published on Aug 1962) 
    • Referendum Campaign ( Sep 1961 )
    • UN commission ( June 1963 )
    Brunei's Withdraw
    • The Sultan of Brunei - Sultan Sir Omar Ali Saifuddin lost interest
    • The reasons : Differences in opinions and reluctance to compromise on the part of Brunei and Kuala Lumpur
    • Unsolved matters
    • The position of the Sultan of Brunei within the Council of Rulers
    • The status of Brunei with Malaysia
    • The Matter of finance : royalty of oil
    • By July 1963, Brunei indicated that she would not join the federation

    • The Federation of Malaysia was formally established on Sep 16, 1963
    • Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak

    Singapore Split From Malaysia
    • Both Malaya and Singapore had different reasons for wanting a merger
    • Each country saw merger as a convenient way of solving its own problem
    • Merger was therefore looked upon as a union of convenience
    • This resulted in its eventual disintegration 
    • Malaysia did not start off well
    • Right from the beginning, the PAP and the Alliance Party did not get along well with each other
    • The split in Singapore-Kuala Lumpur relation arose initially in the 1964 general election
    • Eventually, the disagreement become so serious that riots broke out in Singapore in July and September 1964 . The riots were put down but the fire was not put out. 
    • The PAP talk openly of equal treatment of all ethnics group in Malaysia " Malaysia for Malaysian "
    • This made the Malay Alliance leaders even angrier because they believed that Malays had certain special rights
    • The relationship between the PAP and the Malay Alliance leaders turned from bad to worse
    • MAC leaders express a feeling of uneasiness over the Singapore's behaviour
    • Effort were made to find solution ( June-Aug 1965 )
    • On 9 Aug 1965, Singapore was separated from Malaysia
    Member System 1951
    • In April 1951, the British goverment introduced the Member System in the Federal Legislative Council to provdied local people the opportunity to be involved in the administrative system
    • The purpose of the Member System is to appoint the local representatives to the post of head of department in the central government. 
    Amir 0129454781


    10 Oct 2016 . Monday . 11am . English For Busines Communication : Diagnostic Test Chapter 2&3

    20:35 Unknown 0 Comments

    Diagnostic Test Chapter 2&3

    Section A ( 10 marks )
    1. List 2 features of communication - 2 marks
    2. List and explain 3 component of communication - 3 marks
    3. List and explain 5 principle of effective communication - 5 marks
    Section B ( 10 marks )

    You work as the Accountant of a company. The expenditure for the electricity has gone up drastically in your company. The management has decided to introduce new policies and procedures to control this by controlling the use of fans and air conditioners. Write a MEMO to convey this situation and the newly introduction policies and procedures to all staff members. Include the necessary details / imaginary statistical information


    Write an ARTICLE to the editorial bord of a local property magazine for the purpose of publication in the magazine. You may choose to write on any topic related to estate / property  management. Suggested topics :
    • renting versus home ownership
    • using social media in the estate management business
    • standing out in a crowd of property management companies 
    Please write in not less than 200 words


    10 Oct 20116 . Monday . 9am . Introduction To Information Technology Chapter 2 : Input Output Devices and Computer Hardware

    20:23 Unknown 0 Comments


    18:26 Unknown 0 Comments

    Post from RICOH THETA. - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA

     <blockquote data-width="500" data-height="375" class="ricoh-theta-spherical-image" >Post from RICOH THETA. - <a href="" target="_blank">Spherical Image - RICOH THETA</a></blockquote>
    <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

    Post from RICOH THETA. - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA


    26 Sep 2016 . Mon . 2pm . Malaysian Studies Chapter 2 : Emergency Era ( 1948 - 1960 ) National Independence

    23:08 Unknown 0 Comments

    Hi guys, pls to be informed that Mr. Amir's class for the Malaysian Studies today will be replaced with Mr. Syam.
    Mr Amir need to attend important meeting this afternoon.
    Ms.Syasya will only taking over the weekend's class for subject Malaysian Studies. Thanks.


    Communist Threat

    Emergency Era
    • 16 June 1948 - Perak and Johor as emergency areas.
    • 17 June 1948 - a state of emergency was declared to the whole Malaya.
    • 23 July 1948 - MCP was banned with reasons 3 European estate manages killed in Perak.
    • 1948 - Gave powers to the police and soldiers to arrest and detain communist suspect without trial

    3 Measures Taken

    1. Briggs plan
    2. Military measures
    • introduced by Sir Gerald Templer
    • 13 battalions of English soldiers, Gurkhass and Malays
    • training 67,000 special Malays soldier
    • home guards systems with 210,000 of them in 1953
    • assistance from the commonwealth military ( Australia, NZ & Rhodesia - Zimbabwe and  Zambia )
    3. Psychological warfare ( Templer Plan )

    The Baling Negotiation

    Outcomes From The Negotiation

    Impact Of The Emergency
    • 31 July 1960 end of emergency
    • a number of people killed and injured
    • properties were destroyed
    • economy was crippled
    • nwe villages were develope
    • properties were destroyed
    • ethnic tentsion
    • British grant independence

    Towards Independence


    26 Sep 2016 . Mond . 11am . English For Business Communication Chapter 3 : International Business Communication

    20:24 Unknown 0 Comments

    Why Communication Is Important?
    its a lifeblood of every organization
    internal communication
    • upward communication
    • downward communication
    • lateral or horizontal communication
    external communication

    What Is Communication?
    Communication is the art of transmitting information, ideas and attitudes from one person to another. Communication is he process of meaningful interaction among human beings.
    • personal process
    • occurs between people
    • involves change in behaviour
    • means to influence others
    • expression of thoughts
    • and emotions through words & actions
    • tools for controlling and motivating people
    • its a social and emotional process

    Features Of Communication
    • 2 way process
    • information sharing and understanding
    • verbal and non-verbal
    • circular flow
    • goal oriented
    • continuous process 
    • pervasive activity

    Components of Communication
    • Sender - Encoder
    • Message
    • Medium ( channel )
    • Receiver Decoder
    • Feedback

    Components Of Communication Process

    sender => encoding message => message channel => decoding message => receiver

    Type Of Communication
    • Verbal Communication 
    • Non Verbal Communication

    Barriers In Communication 
    Communicating is straightforward. what makes its complex, difficult and frustrating are the barriers we put in the way. Below are the Top Barriers

    • Expectations
    • Avoidance
    • Fixing
    • Scapgoating
    • Probing
    • Speaking In Code
    • Control
    • Blaming
    • Conflict Avoidance ( Chaos )
    • Exclusion
    • Boundary or Barrier
    • Information Overload
    • Trust & Credibility
    • Time
    • Emotions
    • Message Congruency

    Principles Of  Effective Communication

    Seven C's Of Effective Communication 
    • Completeness
    • Conciseness
    • Consideration
    • Clarity
    • Concretesness
    • Cortesy
    • Correctness
     conciseness - precise, short and sharp, straight to the point, avoid unnecessary repetition

    consideration -

    clarity - construct effectiveness sentences and paragraphs



    26 Sep 2016 . 9am . Monday . Introduction To Information Technology Chapter 1 : Introduction To Computers ( Replacement )

    20:18 Unknown 0 Comments

    Chapter 1


    19 Sep 2016 . 9am . Monday . Information Technology Chapter 1 : Introduction To Computer

    22:43 Unknown 0 Comments


    Academic Information ( Sep 2016 - Dec 2016 )

    22:39 Unknown 0 Comments

    Annual Calendar  ( Sep 2016 - Dec 2016 )

    week 1 = 19/09/16
    week 2 = 26/09/16 
    week 3 = 03/09/16
    week 4 = 10/09/16
    week 5 = 17/10/16 - Mid Semester Holiday
    week 6 = 24/10/16
    week 7 = 31/10/16
    week 8 = 07/11/16 - Assignment Submission
    week 9 = 14/11/16 - Revision Week
    week 10 = 21/11/16 - Final Exam
    week 11 = 28/11/16 - Semester Holiday
    week 12  = 05/12/16 - Semester Holiday
    week 13 = 12/12/16 - Semester Holiday
    week 14 = 19/12/16 - Semester Holiday
    week 15 = 26/12/16 - Semester Holiday
    week 16 = 02/01/17 - Result on 05/01/16

    ENL 2202 English For Business Communication - Ms Chong
    week 1 = 19/09/16
    week 2 = 26/09/16 
    week 3 = 03/09/16
    week 4 = 10/09/16 Test ( Chapter 2&3)
    week 5 = 17/10/16 Mid Semester Holiday
    week 6 = 24/10/16
    week 7 = 31/10/16
    week 8 = 07/11/16 
    week 9 = 14/11/16 - Revision Week
    week 10 = 21/11/16 - Final Exam
    week 11 = 28/11/16 - Semester Holiday
    week 12  = 05/12/16 - Semester Holiday
    week 13 = 12/12/16 - Semester Holiday
    week 14 = 19/12/16 - Semester Holiday
    week 15 = 26/12/16 - Semester Holiday
    week 16 = 02/01/17 - Result on 05/01/16


    19 Sep 2016 . 2pm . Mon . Malaysia Studies Chapter 1 : Traditional Malay Kingdom

    22:23 Unknown 0 Comments

    Lecturer For Malaysia Studies : Amir

    Credit From Ramani : Malaysia Studies by Oxford Fajar Sdn Bhd 2nd Edition
     ISBN 978 983 47 1274 7

    Traditional Malay Kindom

    Powerful Malay Kingdoms existed in the Malays Archipelago since the 1st centurty
    Center of trade, government and the spread of religion
    A few of them had extensive vassal states

    Islands of the Malays Archipelago
    • also know as Malays Worlds
    • they free to move no boundary
    • it was characterized as a nation with one Malay language and culture
    • Western colonialist divided the Island of Malay Archipelago
    The English - Peninsula Malaysia and part of Borneo Island
    Dutch - Indonesia
    French - Indochina
    Spanish - Philipines

    Old Kedah - 5th Century
    • monarchy system
    • strategic location
    • important entrepot
    • influenced by Hinduism and Buddhism

    Chitu - Tu - 6th Century
    • Kelantan
    • influenced by Buddhism
    • strong relationship with China
    • ruling system influenced by Hindu culture

    Tan - Tan - 6th Century
    • Terengganu
    • ruling system influenced by Indian ruling system
    • strong relationship with China
    The Malay Kindom Of Malacca
    • the concept of modern Malaysia strarted with Melacca prior to 1400
    • it was he most influential kingdom and marked the beginning of socio politics tradition of the Malays in Malaysia.
    The Golden Age of Malacca
    • land where The Wind Meet
    • crossroad of Chinese, Indian and Arabian trade routes

    •  international trading port
    • fabled spice islands
    • reasonable taxation system
    • usage of currenct
    • Islam as official regligion
    • centre of spreading Islam
    • Malays languages as lingua franca

    expansion of its empire building - the whole of Penisula Malaysia and part of Sumatra
    strong military system
    diplomatic relations : China, Java, India & Siam
    systematic and efficient admistration
    important officials : Finance Minister, Admiral, The Chief of Defense, Chief Bursar and the Harbour- Master
    maintenance of law and order : Laws of Melacca, Maritime Laws of Malacca.

    Fall Of Malacca
    • weak leader
    • bribery and corruption
    • disunity among the people
    • attacked from Portuguese in 1511
    • Tin Ore in Malay Peninsula
    • Spice Monopoly
    • 17th century - trading port
    • 18th century - natural resourses, competition, civil war / alliance

    Political Impact after the British colinization
    • The Straits Settlement - Penang, Malacca & Singapore
    • The Federated Malays States - Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan & Pahang 
    • The Unfederated Malays States - Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan & Terengganu
    • Sabah
    • Sarawak
    Economical Impact after the British colonization
    • system of transportation - road and railways
    • post, telephone and telegraph
    • modern agriculture - rubber and palm oil

    Social Impact after the British colonization
    • vernacular system of education
    • multi ethnic society
    • historical building 

    Japanese Occupation
    Only 3.5 year but had a great impact on the country
    the conquest was fast within 70 days
    attack from 2 direction - east and west ( jitra and kota bahru )

    to establish a New Great Asia Goverment
    to solve economic problems in their country
    1940 economic sanctions by US


    19 Sep 2016 . 1145am . Mon . English For Business Communication Chapter 2 : Communication At Work

    22:23 Unknown 0 Comments

    Applying The Writing Process

    Phase 1 ===> Phase 2 ==> Phase 3

    check files, gather documentation
    outline or list points to cover
    compose first draft; expect to revise

    Phase 1 ===> Phase 2 ==> Phase 3

    do i really need to write
    what communication channel is best
    why am i writing
    how will the reader react
    how can i save my reader's time

    Phase 1 ===> Phase 2 ==> Phase 3

    revise for clarity and conciseness
    proofread for correctness
    plan for feedback

    How Organizations Exchange Written Messages

    Paper - Based Messages
    Business Letters
    Interoffice Memo

    Electronic Messages
    Instant Messaging
    Text Messaging

    Components of Email & Memo

    1. Subject lines 
    2. Opening
    3. Body
    4. Closing

    summarize message clearly and concisely
    avoid meaningless one word headings such as Help or Urgent

    1. Subject lines 
    2. Opening 
    3. Body
    4. Closing

    frontload main idea immediately
    avoid reviewing background

    1. Subject lines
    2. Opening 
    3. Body 
    4. Closing

    orgainzize information and explainations logically
    cover just one topic
    use mumered and bulleted lists
    consider adding headings for visual impact

    1. Subject lines
    2. Opening
    3. Body 
    4. Closing

    end with action infomation , dates and deadlines
    summarize the message
    provide a closing thought
    avoid overused expressions

    Formatting Email Message
    cover just on topic
    use uppercase and lowercase letters
    use short line length if message might be forwarded

    consider a complimentay closing such as Best / Cheers
    Included your name and full contact identification - especially for messages to outsiders. 

    Using Emails Smartly, Safely & Professionally
    1. Getting Started 
    2. Content, Tone & Correctness 
    3. Netiquette 
    4. Reading And Replying  
    5. Personal Use 
    6. Other Smart Practice

    Getting Started
    • consider composing off line
    • type the receiver's address correctly
    • avoid misleading subject lines
    • apply the top of the screen test
     Content, Tone & Correctness
    • be concise
    • don't send anything you wouldn't want published
    • don't use email to avoid contact
    • care about correctness and tone
    • resist humor and rage

    • limit any tendency to send blanket copies
    • never send " spam "
    • consider using identifying labels such as ACTION, FYI, RE, URGENT.
    • use capital letters only for emphasis or for publication titles
    • seek permission before forwarding and beware of long threads

    Reading and Replying
    • scan all messages before replying
    • print only when necessary
    • acknowledge receipt
    • don't automatically return the sender's message
    • revise the subject, complete first sentence
    • never respond when you are angry

    Personal Use
    • don't use company computers for personal matters unless allowed by your organization
    • assume that all emails is monitored

    Other Smart Practices
    • use design to improve readability of longer messages
    • consider cultural differences
    • double-check before hitting the send button

     please write a email or memo in a proper format


    19 Sep 2016 . 11am . Mon . English For Business Communication - Orientation

    20:45 Unknown 0 Comments

    Miss Chong


    Lim CY - Not attach to any agency
    Ray Chong -
    Lai - From Selayang
    Emmanuel - Construction.
    Christopher Teh - Kuchai - From Dreamwest

    Christopher Wong - From Kuching - Dreamwest Realty

    Abigail Lee - Siamese From KL, Celcom Wiseman Realty

    Steve Liao - Optometrist

    Jane Goh - IPG Realty

    Yebe Teh - Penang - IPG Realty

    Tan Su Fu - IPG Realty

    Welcome To All New Friends

    Ken Teo Class Rep - 012 5922685

    Lecturer For Business Communication

    Final Exam


    29 Aug 2016 . 1pm . Mon : Site Survey : Revision

    23:19 Unknown 0 Comments

    Explain why architects prefers to use metric in comparison to imperial unit of measurement.
    more accurate. 

    Explain what are the common scales and drawing features represented in a Topography or Lanscape map?
    1:1250 - 1: 2500

    What is the dimension sketch in comparison to field sketch 
    dimensioned sketch takes the field sketch one tep further. the aim is to annotete your sketch plaln with accurate meaurements to show wall lengths and thickenss. it should include all the necessary dimentsions for someone who has not seen the building to understand it and if required, construct a scle drawing. sketches should be neat, in proportion and large enought to allow the  ..

    Explain how scale helps to record the measuremetns and facts of measured oject accurately.
    its imposible to draw 1:1 
    purpose of scal is to be ableto accurately represent spaces, objects or even graphics to a smller, more pratica ...

    Elaborate in your own understanding why it is not a good practice to label dimensions on drawing in such manner as shown below. 
    Dimesioning symebols that crosses each othr confuses which dimesnion belongs to which part of the drawings
    dimentioning tlabeled too close to the drawing of the building can be confuse as an object ....

    Explain what kind of information you can gather and learn from existing maps for land surveying
    history , underground infrastructure and facilities.

    Elaborate in your own understanding why we need to draw to scale and what tools helps us to do so.
    its not possible to draw life size of a large object such as a building. it will be too big a task to do so ad impossible to store or bring the drawing that size around. In order to draw to scale, accurate measurement of the sutdy object will be recorded manually and with the aid of a scale ruler, theis information ...

    Elaborate what is Absolute ( mean ) Sea Levels, and explain why designers sometimes do not indicate building floor levels using Absolute ( Mean ) Sea Levels
    Absoulute ( mean ) Sea Levels are averaged out of low and higt tide of the sea
    sometime designer are not provided with the actual sea levels, namely Absolute ( mean ) Sea Levels hence designers will assign the Relative Sea Levels on the drawings to indicate the relative floor levels.

    Elaborate how to conduct a linear measurements using pacing

    Some building roofed set out roofs in metric, the vast majority still use imperial measurement due to the practice of roofing being a trade that is passed down from one generation to the next. give your own opinion on what kind of construction defects may occur with conversion of metric to imperial unit of measurement in this case.
    most roofers will try and set out to the nearest quarters inch. if required they will work to n eighth of an inch, but few will work to sixteenth of an inch. with metric measurement most roofers will set out to the nearest 5mm. if they are required they will set out to 1mm. setting-out is multiple ....

    Explain what are the common scales and drawing features represented

    explain how drawi

    Elaborate what is a Bar Scale shown on a map and explain how it helps to understand the map.

    Explain what are some of the key information


    29 Aug 2016 . 1030am . Mon . Building Tech 1 : Final Revision

    21:15 Unknown 0 Comments

    Part A ( 20% ) - Critical Question
    4 questions ( 5 marks each )

    Part B ( 30% )
    Choose 6 out of 7 questions ( 5 marks each question )
    one of the question require sketching
    reminder : Bring ruler to draw in propositional scale

    State what is reqired o following starcase elements in uniform building by law
    width of stairways 825 - 900 / 800mm
    landings - width - < 16 riser
    height of guardian -  825 -900mm
    handrails - 30 mm diameter
    riser - less or same 180 mm

    Elaborate what is the nature of a building to tits occupants
    create an adequate indorr environment; protection from external weather or noise, provision of comfortable ....

    Explain how uniform and differential settlement occurred and what affect this has on a building
    uniform settlement : where settling occurs at roughtly the same rate throughtout all parts of a buiding
    differential settlement : likely to occur where soil types, building load...

    Elaborate how damp proof courses can resist moisture penetration to a building
    4 ways of using damp proof courses
    resist moisture peneration from soild below
    resist moisture penetrationfrom above ( roof, opening, veranda)
    resist moisutre penera ...

    illustrate how structural funtions of loads react through the cavity wall foundation
    need to draw out to elaborate

    what are the key advatages of prefabricated reinforced concrete suspended beam and block floor systems.
    advantages are
    buiding eleements can be easily manipulated on site without adddtional site fabrications
    prebaricaed buiding elemens can avoid we trads on site
    no oversite concrete layer. air bricks or sl

    sketch and elaborate the design and construction of a proper risers and treads including the nosing details
    set back - safe the place

    explain what are the key functions and requirement of a roof
    structure element

    what is the function of "tanking " and how is it important?

    explain how door sill or threshold functions as a building element.
    preventing dust
    access to wheel chair

    Draw and Fill in the blank of the staircase structure

    Explain twhat is the key function of the strucal sysemt
    2 element

    what are 3 the common methods taken during the condttion of  abioding on a steep slope site in pretection from tthe lateral

    explain what is flashing and itss key function to a building
    srip of impeervious sheet of material or prefomed profile laid in constrction t oprojec

    illustrate how various made of water can penetrate into a buiding ubstrcuture

    explain how steel reinforcement roads are ncorporated and strenghen the tensil strength of the concrete floor slab

    use the uniform building by law as a guideline to sketch and elaborate a fire staircase

    Give example and elaborate what are the key functions of rain water drainage

    explain how external wall provides a comfortable interior environment to the users
    vertical elements of buiding
    provide protection against wind, rain and daily and seasonal variations of outside temperature. 

    comparing traditional and modern form of suspended floor systems and explain its may influence how an architect design a suspended floor system for building.

    traditional form of a timber floor amore costly due to material and labour cost.

    fill in the blank for the roof system
    roof tile

    explain by giving examples what are the key function of a building structual system

    explain why consolidated road or bedrock is an ideal soil condition for a building foundation
    consolidated rock or bedrock is a dense, contihuous mass of mineral materials that can only be removed ......

    illustrate and explain how thermal insulation should be applied to external facade of a building

    elaborate how to provide thermal and sound insulation to a timber floor system when it is suffering from major temperature changes and noise pollution to the interior spaces

    sketch and elaborate the design and construction of a proper handrails of a staircase.

     elaborate what are the advantages and disadvantages of flat and slope / pitch roof
    flat -become more usable, modern image, green roofs improve thermal efficiency.
    vulnerable to water, adsorbs more solar heat, expensive, need more support depending on usage
     slope or pitch roof -


    Exam Revision

    18:18 Unknown 0 Comments


    Last Minutes

    08:32 Unknown 0 Comments


    24 Aug 2016 . 230pm . Wed . Building Tech 1 : Resit Exam

    07:36 Unknown 0 Comments


    Principle of Motivtion : From Karen

    20:48 Unknown 0 Comments


    Principal of Management : From Valsala

    20:42 Unknown 0 Comments

    REVISION – Principal of Management
    1. Define management.                                                                                                  
    2. Why do organizations need managers?                                                                    
    3. List and explain the three (3) levels of planning in an organization.                         
    4. List and explain the type of skill.                                                                          
    5. List and explain the three (3) roles of the manager as outlined by Mintzberg.        
    6. List and explain the four (4) major function of management                                     
    7. Explain why planning and organizing is an important managerial function.             
    8. Differentiate between  a mission statement and vision statement. Provide examples.     
    9. Differentiate between centralization and decentralization.                                         
    10. How important is good leadership to an organization?                                            
    11. Differentiate the styles of leadership between autocratic, democratic and laissez-fire.
    12. What does the acronym SMART refer to in the context of goal setting?                 
    13. Explain why it is important to study management.
    14. Describe three (3) steps of delegation and the advantages of delegation.                
    15. What is management by objective (MBO). Identify the major steps in management by objective
          (MBO) process.                                                                                                       
    16.Explain six (6) barriers to effective planning.                                                                    
    17. Discuss six (6) overcoming barriers to effective planning.                                               
    18. Draw and describe the types of control.                                                                  
    19. Draw and explain Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory.                                          
    20. Define Theory X and Theory Y and create a comparison of Theory X and Theory Y.   