31 October 2016 . Monday . 230pm . Malaysian Studies Chapter 5 : Main Policies

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Economy Based Policy

The Third National Agricultural Policy ( 1998 - 2010 )

  • to enhance food security
  • to increase productivity and competitiveness of the sector
  • to deepen linkages with other sectors
  • to create new sources of growth for the sector 
  • to conserve and utilize natural resources on a sustainable basis
  • a product based approach for commodity development will therefore be employed where key products and markets are identified based on market demand, preferences and potential.
  • meeting national food requirements where domestic food production will be enhanced through large-scale food production by the private sector
  • enhancing competitiveness and profitability in the agricultural sector will require focusing in promoting globally competitive industries in agriculture and forestry
  • a strong requisite economic foundation is necessary to support and sustain the development of existing core agricultural and forestry industries and initiate the growth of new ones
  • exports of agricultural output contributes significantly to the nation's earning so foreign exchange. among the more important agricultural exports are palm oil, rubber and cocoa beans.  
  • palm oil and related products are the country's largest export earners
National Incorporated Policy

the main objective is for the private and the government should work closely together in a manner where both of these sectors will going benefits from this cooperation

explore various business opportunities in and outside the country

improve programmes of expertise sharing among mistries and the private sector

export promotion council by the Ministry of Trade and Industry ( 1985 )

Malaysian Bussiness Coucil ( 1991 )
INTAN - Sponsored business courses. Increase earning through business income taxes.

National Privatization Policy

to complements incorporated policy

National Industrialization Policy

to encourage full utilization of our natural resources
to let the manufacturing industry as the catalyst for our industrial growth

Heavy Industries Policy

Social Based Policies