14 Nov 2016 . Monday . 2pm . English For Business Communication

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Section A Structural Question  ( 5 - 8 question )
Section B Essay ( 2 Question )

Chapter 2

How organization return

electronic messages
email and instant messages
best practice for IM professionally
advantages & disadvantages using IM

theory part about email
how to get started email
getting started

Chapter 3 
what is communication, feature of communication, component of communication, 
memorize the picture of process of communication , effective communication 

What is communication?
- communication is art of transmitting
  • information 
  • ideas
  • attitudes from one person to another. 

- communication is the process of meaningful  
  • interaction among human beings. 

Why communication if important?
Communication is important because, it a lifeblood of every organization

There are 2 type of communication.  Internal and External. What are the internal communication?
  • upward communication
  • downward communication
  • lateral or horizontal communication

What are the features of communication?
  • 2 way process
  • information sharing and understanding
  • verbal and non-verbal
  • circular flow ( 循環活動 )
  • goal oriented
  • continuous process
  • pervasive activity ( berleluasa )

What are the components of communication?
  • sender - encoder
  • message
  • medium - channel
  • receiver - decoder
  • feedback
Draw a communication process.

sender => encoding message => message channel => decoding message => receiver

note: there are noise between the encoding and decoding.

There are 2 type of communication.  Internal and External. Based on the communication channels used there are another 2 types of communication . What are they?
  • verbal communication ( oral and written )
  • non verbal communication ( gesture手勢, body language, face expression, posture 姿勢, tone of voice )
What are the 3 main element of non verbal communication?
  • Body language - gesture, posture, face expression,
  • Sound - tone, volume, speech rate
  • Appearance - use of cosmetics, clothing, hairstyle, neatness.

What are the principles of effective communication?
  • clarity 明晰
  • objective 目的
  • understanding the receiver 理解
  • consistency 一致
  • completeness 完整性
  • feedback 回复
  • time 時間
Communicating is straight forward. What makes it complex, difficult & frustrating are the barrier we put in the way. What are the barriers in communication?

  • message congruency 消息一致性
  • expectation
  • information overloaded
  • trust and credibility
  • avoidance 避免
  • fixing 
  • scapegoating 替罪羊
  • probing 探測
  • speaking in code 在代碼中
  • exclusion 排除
  • control
  • blaming
  • boundary or barrier
  • time
  • emotions
  • conflict avoidance
note: as a negotiator, why sometime fail to deliver the messages to the potential prospect? why a student fail in their study even the presenter had well present? why a an angry couple not understand each other? the language speak between the army? when you boycott someone


What are the 7 C's of effective communication?
  1. completeness 完整性
  2. conciseness 簡明
  3. consideration 考慮
  4. clarity 明晰
  5. concreteness 具體性
  6. courtesy 禮貌
  7. correctness 正確性
note : imagine you are presenting a Maisson Residence final release unit to potential buyer. 
  1. What should a consultant should have in their attitude 1st? courtesy
  2. Have to present in KISS way - conciseness. 
  3. Your content and information must be - clarity, concreteness
  4. You have to answer the questions asked - completeness
  5. Make the buyer consider buy your product - consideration
we cannot judge walk in buyer by surface and we should think that is opp
courtesy - no discriminatory expression, show respect, thoughtful & appreciative

we will brieftly show them the scale model and brieft introduction of about Maisson

Chapter 4
write a letter

Chapter 5

Chapter 6