14 Nov 2016 . Monday . 9am . Information Technology

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Final Exam is 40%, Blog 30%, Diagnostic Test 10%, Diagnostic Test 10%, Diagnostic Test 10%

Section A  ( 6 to 7 questions : 30 marks )

Section B ( 2 questions : 20 marks )

definition & function, elaborate , advantages and disadvantages, example

what is computer?
electronic device that storing, processing data and retrieve data. 

what is the function of computer?

how important computer to our life?

What is Information Technology?

Main component unit in the computer ( output and input )

What is the defination of input device?
What is the function of input device?
Give 7 example of input devices
Briefly explain the function of the 7 example

input devices
  • keyboard
  • mouse / mouse pointing ( laptop )
  • joystick 
  • scanner
  • microphone
  • sensor device
  • handwriting recognition - pen based input
pointing based 

output device
  • speaker / headphone / earphone ( sound )
  • monitor ( visual )
  • printer 
  • projector
 definition & function, elaborate , advantages and disadvantages, example
 different between keyboard and joystick

What is computer system unit?
its contains electronic components of the computer used to process data

Give example of components of computer system unit?
  • motherboard
  • chip
  • heat sink / heat pipe
  • RAM
  • Hard Disk Drive
  • CD room / DVD room
  • RAM
  • Processor
  • power supply 

What is the function of the example of computer system unit you mention above