19 Sep 2016 . 2pm . Mon . Malaysia Studies Chapter 1 : Traditional Malay Kingdom

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Lecturer For Malaysia Studies : Amir

Credit From Ramani : Malaysia Studies by Oxford Fajar Sdn Bhd 2nd Edition
 ISBN 978 983 47 1274 7

Traditional Malay Kindom

Powerful Malay Kingdoms existed in the Malays Archipelago since the 1st centurty
Center of trade, government and the spread of religion
A few of them had extensive vassal states

Islands of the Malays Archipelago
  • also know as Malays Worlds
  • they free to move no boundary
  • it was characterized as a nation with one Malay language and culture
  • Western colonialist divided the Island of Malay Archipelago
The English - Peninsula Malaysia and part of Borneo Island
Dutch - Indonesia
French - Indochina
Spanish - Philipines

Old Kedah - 5th Century
  • monarchy system
  • strategic location
  • important entrepot
  • influenced by Hinduism and Buddhism

Chitu - Tu - 6th Century
  • Kelantan
  • influenced by Buddhism
  • strong relationship with China
  • ruling system influenced by Hindu culture

Tan - Tan - 6th Century
  • Terengganu
  • ruling system influenced by Indian ruling system
  • strong relationship with China
The Malay Kindom Of Malacca
  • the concept of modern Malaysia strarted with Melacca prior to 1400
  • it was he most influential kingdom and marked the beginning of socio politics tradition of the Malays in Malaysia.
The Golden Age of Malacca
  • land where The Wind Meet
  • crossroad of Chinese, Indian and Arabian trade routes

  •  international trading port
  • fabled spice islands
  • reasonable taxation system
  • usage of currenct
  • Islam as official regligion
  • centre of spreading Islam
  • Malays languages as lingua franca

expansion of its empire building - the whole of Penisula Malaysia and part of Sumatra
strong military system
diplomatic relations : China, Java, India & Siam
systematic and efficient admistration
important officials : Finance Minister, Admiral, The Chief of Defense, Chief Bursar and the Harbour- Master
maintenance of law and order : Laws of Melacca, Maritime Laws of Malacca.

Fall Of Malacca
  • weak leader
  • bribery and corruption
  • disunity among the people
  • attacked from Portuguese in 1511
  • Tin Ore in Malay Peninsula
  • Spice Monopoly
  • 17th century - trading port
  • 18th century - natural resourses, competition, civil war / alliance

Political Impact after the British colinization
  • The Straits Settlement - Penang, Malacca & Singapore
  • The Federated Malays States - Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan & Pahang 
  • The Unfederated Malays States - Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan & Terengganu
  • Sabah
  • Sarawak
Economical Impact after the British colonization
  • system of transportation - road and railways
  • post, telephone and telegraph
  • modern agriculture - rubber and palm oil

Social Impact after the British colonization
  • vernacular system of education
  • multi ethnic society
  • historical building 

Japanese Occupation
Only 3.5 year but had a great impact on the country
the conquest was fast within 70 days
attack from 2 direction - east and west ( jitra and kota bahru )

to establish a New Great Asia Goverment
to solve economic problems in their country
1940 economic sanctions by US