26 Sep 2016 . Mond . 11am . English For Business Communication Chapter 3 : International Business Communication

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Why Communication Is Important?
its a lifeblood of every organization
internal communication
  • upward communication
  • downward communication
  • lateral or horizontal communication
external communication

What Is Communication?
Communication is the art of transmitting information, ideas and attitudes from one person to another. Communication is he process of meaningful interaction among human beings.
  • personal process
  • occurs between people
  • involves change in behaviour
  • means to influence others
  • expression of thoughts
  • and emotions through words & actions
  • tools for controlling and motivating people
  • its a social and emotional process

Features Of Communication
  • 2 way process
  • information sharing and understanding
  • verbal and non-verbal
  • circular flow
  • goal oriented
  • continuous process 
  • pervasive activity

Components of Communication
  • Sender - Encoder
  • Message
  • Medium ( channel )
  • Receiver Decoder
  • Feedback

Components Of Communication Process

sender => encoding message => message channel => decoding message => receiver

Type Of Communication
  • Verbal Communication 
  • Non Verbal Communication

Barriers In Communication 
Communicating is straightforward. what makes its complex, difficult and frustrating are the barriers we put in the way. Below are the Top Barriers

  • Expectations
  • Avoidance
  • Fixing
  • Scapgoating
  • Probing
  • Speaking In Code
  • Control
  • Blaming
  • Conflict Avoidance ( Chaos )
  • Exclusion
  • Boundary or Barrier
  • Information Overload
  • Trust & Credibility
  • Time
  • Emotions
  • Message Congruency

Principles Of  Effective Communication

Seven C's Of Effective Communication 
  • Completeness
  • Conciseness
  • Consideration
  • Clarity
  • Concretesness
  • Cortesy
  • Correctness
 conciseness - precise, short and sharp, straight to the point, avoid unnecessary repetition

consideration -

clarity - construct effectiveness sentences and paragraphs
