29 July 2016 . 900am . Friday . English For Social Skills Chapter 6 : Type of Speech

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Points to remember
  • Make use of graphs and supporting documents
  • Present some facts and figures but make sure that they are accurate and that they support you points of view
  • If there have been similar problems you can tell your audience how they were solved
  • Try to make it personal to your listeners, if its is going to effect their family, home or job they will start to take notice

Remark : 
use print screen google map to show the distance
use logo of the company printed in the google map

always remember - pictures tell thousand words

Improve your health through better eating
television violence is negatively influencing our children
become a volunteer and change the world

3 . Entertaining Speech
  • Usually short
  • Giving the audience an enjoyable experience
  • Leave the audience with a favorable impression not only of himself or herself but also of the organization
  • To amuse through humors, stories or illustrations.
Purpose of entertaining speech
  • Crowd please
  • Get promotion
  • Hold attention

Point to remember
  • The speech still must make a valid point or argument, but it can be done using humor. 
  • A speech to entertain may be either informative or persuasive in nature, but the supporting materials are selected primarily based on their entertainment value. 
  • After dinner speech
  • Comic monologues ( Phua Chu Kang, Harith Iskandar )
 Image result for hari iskandar

4. Technical Speech
  • Visuals and printed handouts
  • Even videotape
  • This is informative
Points to remember
  • This is informative but goes beyond simple information
  • It may be a presentaion to peers at a professional meeting
  • May be an official presentation to a group such as regulatory body

Brief Remarks
  • Its actually the category of the speech, which are given on special occasion as expression of thanks, welcome or acceptance
  • They are not scripted. Speaker give the remarks in his or her own words. But if it is a highly official function it is better to use a script. 

Planning for speech
proper planning is required before a speech
  • Choose the topic
  • Do some research
  • Remember the information you are going to provide to your audience should be new and valuable
  • The information should be accurate.
4P's Planning



Guidelines for planning

  • Purpose of the speech
  • Decide what you wish to speak about
  • Do you wish to 
instruct and inform
Convince, Persuade, Influence or Motivate
Amuse and entertain
  • what are the objectives of your speech 
  • know your audience

If you have done your research well, you will have many more ideas that you can introduce in a single speech. Begin paring, Select the 3 most important ideas you want people in the audience to carry away with them

You Should
  • Repeat the ideas
  • Introduce the audience in a logical sequence
  • Using relationships that aid retention 
  • Use anecdotes
Logical proff
Emotional Appeal
Give Reasons

Mechanic of Organization
start with a title
write down the purpose
list the ideas you want to audience to retain
write a conclusion