22 July 2016 . 11am . Friday . Moral Chapter 6 : Conflict in Morality & Solution

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Practical Suggestions

  • Think of ethicks in rational terms
  • use decision- making tactics
  •  - imaginary conversation with hypothetical opponent - look at both sides
  •  - seek out an avisor
  • - use 2 column balance sheet
  • - ethical questions approach

  • sort out ethical priorities beforehand
  • be publicly committed on ethical issues
  • set a good personal example
  • must take action : courage is necessary
  • cultivate sympathy and charity

overlap model
actions are ethical, moral and legal

overlap model
actions are ethical and legal but not moral ( example : abortion )

overlap model
actions are moral and legal but ethical ( example : laws protecting the privacy of aids patients, sunday closing laws )

Blue laws, also known as Sunday laws, are laws designed to restrict or ban some or all Sunday activities for religious reasons, particularly to promote the observance of a day of worship or rest. Blue laws may also restrict shopping or ban sale of certain items on specific days, most often on Sundays in the western world. Some Islamic nations may ban certain activities on Fridays. Blue laws are enforced in parts of the United States and Canada as well as some European countries, particularly in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and Norway, keeping most stores closed on Sundays

overlap model
action is moral and ethical but not legal ( example : sodomy laws 鸡奸法 with regard to married couples )

overlap model
action are ethical but not moral or legal ( example : gambling )

overlap model
action are moral but not ethical or legal ( example : modern-day polygamy among the FLDS )

* FLDS = The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints  后期圣徒的耶稣的原教旨教会的基督

overlap model
action are ethical but not moral or legal ( example : apartheid laws 种族隔离 )