15 July 2016 . 11am . Friday . Moral Studies : Chapter 5 : A Moral Person

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wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it. 
right is right , even if no one is doing it.


1. Who is a morally good person?
they are the ones who attain the end or primary purpose for which they exist

"clearly not all ends are final ends, but the chief good is something final" Aristotle

2 . Territorial Moralities
Defines a person's territory including his or her property and dependents which is not to be damaged or interffered with perissive

Tribal moralities
Imposing the norms collective of an individual prescriptive

3 . In-Group and Out-Group
individuals and those they believe to be in the same culture or race

individual and those they believe not to be treated according to some rules.

4 . Evolutionary Perspectives of Morality
  • Morality is a product of evolutionary process; set of behaviors evolvve because they were good for the individual and good for the group
  • Moral evil is the immorality and pain and suffering and tragedy that come because we choose to be selfish, arrogant, uncaring, hateful and abusive.

5. Christopher Boehm ( 1982 )
hypothesized that the incremental development or moral complexity throughtout the hominid evolution was due to the increasing need to avoid disputes and injuries in moving to open savanna and developing stone weapons

6. Richard Dawkins in The God Delusion
"our morality is a result of our biological evolutionary history and the Moral Zeigeist helps describe how morality evolves from biological and cultural origins and evolves within time within culture "

7. Injudicial Systems
Lack of morality of he individual can be sufficient cause for punishment or can be an elements for grading of the punishment

In Politics
Group morality develops from shared concepts and beliefs

  • Jonathan Haidt and Jjesse Graham studied the differences bet. attitudes in morality and politics among Liberals* and Conservatives**

Liberals* - moral choices depend upon harm / care, fairness / reciprocity

Conservatives ** - moral choices depend upon harm / care, fairness / reciprocity 礼尚往来
, in-group loyalty, authority / respect, purity / sanctity 尊严

  • Individual who choose moral action are popularly held to possess "moral fiber" otherwise, they may be labeled as socially degenerate.

continued existence of a group may depend on widespread conformity to codes of morality; inability to adjust to moral codes in response to new challenges is sometimes credited to demise of a community.

For conservatives, liberals have an " anuthing goes " morality that says everthing shouold be pritted for the sake of inclusion and diversity, no matter how bizorre ( strange ) or depraved

For liberals, conservatives lack of basic moral compassion, especially for oppressed groups and take perverse joy in seeing the rich get richer

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