1 August 2016 . 900am . Monday . Building Tech Chapter 9 : Staircase

19:24 Unknown 0 Comments

Stair is one of the most challenging subject. Have to pay more attention !!

2 type of vinyl floor  - roll and tile

 Staircase, stair or stairway

Steps is without hand-rill 


vertical circulation consisting of a number of steps from one level to another

 Exam question !!

Angle / Degree

1:12 :
1:8 - car cannot go up is beyond 1:8

Genting highland road

fire escape staircase door / smoke door characteristic
- door design open outward
- automatic door closer - close all the time
- no door knobs / no handle - push out /
- ironmongery cannot be locked.

- minimum 800 mm from out ward of hand-rill to  out ward of hand-rill ( not from wall to hand rill )
- minimum 800 mm too

Remark : 2 leaf door. smoke chamber, additional line of defend , only for tall buidling

high the hand-rill is 825mm - 900mm
calculated from

One step consist of on riser and threat  
1 flight of staircase cannot more that 16 riser, there must be a landing in between
a place for elderly to rest

guard rill and hand rill
above our waist measurement for adult  - avoid fall over

 Step consist of riser and threat

Raiser height - 150mm - 160mm
Threat depth - 250mm - 280mm

how to shorten the step? ( in short building )
adjust the raiser height, thereat width and nosing ( angle )

 handrail and the wall between must have 38 mm

 handrail 825 - 500

eliminate one step

Landing with winder 

Tapered Steps

 circular staircase  vs spiral staircase

 circular staircase can use as primary staircase


29 July 2016 . 900am . Friday . English For Social Skills Chapter 6 : Type of Speech

19:33 Unknown 0 Comments

Points to remember
  • Make use of graphs and supporting documents
  • Present some facts and figures but make sure that they are accurate and that they support you points of view
  • If there have been similar problems you can tell your audience how they were solved
  • Try to make it personal to your listeners, if its is going to effect their family, home or job they will start to take notice

Remark : 
use print screen google map to show the distance
use logo of the company printed in the google map

always remember - pictures tell thousand words

Improve your health through better eating
television violence is negatively influencing our children
become a volunteer and change the world

3 . Entertaining Speech
  • Usually short
  • Giving the audience an enjoyable experience
  • Leave the audience with a favorable impression not only of himself or herself but also of the organization
  • To amuse through humors, stories or illustrations.
Purpose of entertaining speech
  • Crowd please
  • Get promotion
  • Hold attention

Point to remember
  • The speech still must make a valid point or argument, but it can be done using humor. 
  • A speech to entertain may be either informative or persuasive in nature, but the supporting materials are selected primarily based on their entertainment value. 
  • After dinner speech
  • Comic monologues ( Phua Chu Kang, Harith Iskandar )
 Image result for hari iskandar

4. Technical Speech
  • Visuals and printed handouts
  • Even videotape
  • This is informative
Points to remember
  • This is informative but goes beyond simple information
  • It may be a presentaion to peers at a professional meeting
  • May be an official presentation to a group such as regulatory body

Brief Remarks
  • Its actually the category of the speech, which are given on special occasion as expression of thanks, welcome or acceptance
  • They are not scripted. Speaker give the remarks in his or her own words. But if it is a highly official function it is better to use a script. 

Planning for speech
proper planning is required before a speech
  • Choose the topic
  • Do some research
  • Remember the information you are going to provide to your audience should be new and valuable
  • The information should be accurate.
4P's Planning



Guidelines for planning

  • Purpose of the speech
  • Decide what you wish to speak about
  • Do you wish to 
instruct and inform
Convince, Persuade, Influence or Motivate
Amuse and entertain
  • what are the objectives of your speech 
  • know your audience

If you have done your research well, you will have many more ideas that you can introduce in a single speech. Begin paring, Select the 3 most important ideas you want people in the audience to carry away with them

You Should
  • Repeat the ideas
  • Introduce the audience in a logical sequence
  • Using relationships that aid retention 
  • Use anecdotes
Logical proff
Emotional Appeal
Give Reasons

Mechanic of Organization
start with a title
write down the purpose
list the ideas you want to audience to retain
write a conclusion


5 Sep 2016 - 11 Sept 2016 Econ Exam 40%

21:42 Unknown 0 Comments


27 July 2016 .1100am . Wednesday . Marketing Chapter : Controlling

21:13 Unknown 0 Comments


27 July 2016 . 900am . Wednesday . Economic . Presentation

21:11 Unknown 0 Comments


25 July 2016 . 1100am . Monday . Site Survey Chapter 8 : Measuring Area

21:20 Unknown 0 Comments

1 . Area is quantity to express part of a surface
SI unit : m2

Regular Shape
Irregular Shape -  estimates are using square grid mode up of many 1 cm3

how to measure irregular figures more accurately
smaller grid

2 . Volume

Regular Volume
Irregular Volume - water

formulas for regular shaped
tick estimation for irregular shapes

formulas for regular object
overflow can for irregular objects


25 July 2016 . 1100am . Monday . Site Survey Chapter : Levelling

21:12 Unknown 0 Comments


details of levels such as dumpy, tilting and auto leveling staff. temporary

defination :

principle :

objective :

Term used in levelling
  1. Level Surface
  2. Level Line
  3. Horizontal Plane
  4. Horizontal Line
Permanent Bench Mark
its fixed in between GTS benchmarks by govt, agencies such as railways, PWD ect. This benchmarks are written on permanent objects such as milestones, culverts, bridges etc their value are clearly written and their position are recorded for future reference

Arbitary Bench Mark
Temporary Bench Mark

Classicfication of leveling

as a real estate do leveling important for us?
roll the coin on the tile . if its bouncing mean the leveling is not

channel out the water level towards drainage or lower area
balcony, kitchen and bathroom, carporch


25 July 2016 . 900am . Monday . Building Tech : Chapter 8 : Floors

20:08 Unknown 0 Comments

Sebastian as us few question :

what make you become outstanding among other real estate agent?

what make you deserve 3%

Ground floor basic types

2 basic groups
solid ground floor - supported by ground
floor countinuosly supported by ground

suspended ground floor - spans between support
floor spans between support
example : kampung houses

There are 2 type of ground floor. what is the pros and cons in term of
Floor load
thermal insulation
preventing water and contaminant penetration
durability - water, dampness, soil pollutant, soil chemical composition, soil movements - it will influence the longevity to the floor

why the floor tile pop out in malaysia?
contraction too quickly due to temperature changed too dramastically
aircon switch on during night time . flooring become very cool

Practice that will avoid poping of the tile
1 .movement joint every 8 m - 10 m ( usually did not go beyond 16 m )
and it 5 mm - 10 mm width

2 . soak the tile - avoid sucking the moisture from the cement sand and cement sand will shrink and detached
1.5 mm to 3 mm cement grout - join between tiles

3 . cement sand screeding - in order all the surface of the tile receive even contact of cement equally

Trick : Ask the tile supplier teach the worker or educate them how to do proper tiling or if pop out then blame the supplier

Surface finish
smooth and leveled surface finish to allow floor covering

ground floor provided the structural floor level - sff
finished floor level - ffl is the finished level to be used above screed. normally its higher than sff


Ground supported or solid floors

Door sill or threshold
conduct rain water away from door to a drainage system providing disabled access :
wheel chair access
eliminate any difference of level between outer paving and internal floor - max 10 mm

suspended ( hollow ) floor

due to hyroscopic nature of timber - adsorbs water from humd air need to prevenet moisture related deterioration using
- ventilated below floor void - air brick ventilation
- prevent contract with external wall - floor joists supported on sleeper walls
- cross ventilation of void - sleeper walls built in honeycomb bond with hollows

suspended beam and block ground floor

sound insulation
fire safety
resistance to passage of heat
achive ffl requirement

reinforeced concrete  advantages
better resistance to damage to fire
safely supports greater load
easily accessible

timber floor advantages


22 July 2016 . 12pm . Friday . Moral Chapter 7 : Moral Issues

21:34 Unknown 0 Comments

Issues Concerning Morality

  • we are inclined to do what we recognize as good and avoid that which we recognize as evil
  • all men and women, regardless of race and belief have a sense of this foundation moral principle.

War & Terrorism

Image result for War & Terrorism


Image result for discrimination
gender discrimination

Image result for discrimination
disability discrimination

Image result for discrimination
race discrimination

Image result for age discrimination
age discrimination


Image result for pollution

Sexuality Issues

Image result for sexuality issues

Violation of Human Rights

Image result for human trafficking

Image result for human trafficking

Image result for human trafficking


22 July 2016 . 11am . Friday . Moral Chapter 6 : Conflict in Morality & Solution

21:07 Unknown 0 Comments

Practical Suggestions

  • Think of ethicks in rational terms
  • use decision- making tactics
  •  - imaginary conversation with hypothetical opponent - look at both sides
  •  - seek out an avisor
  • - use 2 column balance sheet
  • - ethical questions approach

  • sort out ethical priorities beforehand
  • be publicly committed on ethical issues
  • set a good personal example
  • must take action : courage is necessary
  • cultivate sympathy and charity

overlap model
actions are ethical, moral and legal

overlap model
actions are ethical and legal but not moral ( example : abortion )

overlap model
actions are moral and legal but ethical ( example : laws protecting the privacy of aids patients, sunday closing laws )

Blue laws, also known as Sunday laws, are laws designed to restrict or ban some or all Sunday activities for religious reasons, particularly to promote the observance of a day of worship or rest. Blue laws may also restrict shopping or ban sale of certain items on specific days, most often on Sundays in the western world. Some Islamic nations may ban certain activities on Fridays. Blue laws are enforced in parts of the United States and Canada as well as some European countries, particularly in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and Norway, keeping most stores closed on Sundays

overlap model
action is moral and ethical but not legal ( example : sodomy laws 鸡奸法 with regard to married couples )

overlap model
action are ethical but not moral or legal ( example : gambling )

overlap model
action are moral but not ethical or legal ( example : modern-day polygamy among the FLDS )

* FLDS = The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints  后期圣徒的耶稣的原教旨教会的基督

overlap model
action are ethical but not moral or legal ( example : apartheid laws 种族隔离 )


22 July 2016 . 900am . Friday . English For Social Skill : Exam

20:39 Unknown 0 Comments


20 July 2016 . 11am . Wednesday . Marketing

21:08 Unknown 0 Comments


Chapter 5 Leading


20 July 2016 . 9am . Wednesday . Economic :

20:37 Unknown 1 Comments


Type of price discrimination
quantity discrimination  - Second- degree price discrimination ) situation in which a firm charges a different price for large quantities than for small quantities but all customers who buy a given quantity pay the same price.

Chapter 6 : Gross Domestic Product - GDP & The Standard of Living

Developement of macroeconomics

 the founder of macroeconomics is John

Macroeconomics objective
  • maintaining price stability
  • full employment or reducing the unemplyment rate
  • economic growth objective
  • external balance objective
  • better quality of life

Measuring the GDP


18 July 2016 . 11.30am . Monday . Site Survey : Mid Term Exam

02:53 Unknown 0 Comments


18 July 2016 . 10am . Monday . Building Tech 1 : Mid Term Exam

02:52 Unknown 0 Comments


15 July 2016 . 11am . Friday . Moral Studies : Chapter 5 : A Moral Person

21:03 Unknown 0 Comments


wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it. 
right is right , even if no one is doing it.


1. Who is a morally good person?
they are the ones who attain the end or primary purpose for which they exist

"clearly not all ends are final ends, but the chief good is something final" Aristotle

2 . Territorial Moralities
Defines a person's territory including his or her property and dependents which is not to be damaged or interffered with perissive

Tribal moralities
Imposing the norms collective of an individual prescriptive

3 . In-Group and Out-Group
individuals and those they believe to be in the same culture or race

individual and those they believe not to be treated according to some rules.

4 . Evolutionary Perspectives of Morality
  • Morality is a product of evolutionary process; set of behaviors evolvve because they were good for the individual and good for the group
  • Moral evil is the immorality and pain and suffering and tragedy that come because we choose to be selfish, arrogant, uncaring, hateful and abusive.

5. Christopher Boehm ( 1982 )
hypothesized that the incremental development or moral complexity throughtout the hominid evolution was due to the increasing need to avoid disputes and injuries in moving to open savanna and developing stone weapons

6. Richard Dawkins in The God Delusion
"our morality is a result of our biological evolutionary history and the Moral Zeigeist helps describe how morality evolves from biological and cultural origins and evolves within time within culture "

7. Injudicial Systems
Lack of morality of he individual can be sufficient cause for punishment or can be an elements for grading of the punishment

In Politics
Group morality develops from shared concepts and beliefs

  • Jonathan Haidt and Jjesse Graham studied the differences bet. attitudes in morality and politics among Liberals* and Conservatives**

Liberals* - moral choices depend upon harm / care, fairness / reciprocity

Conservatives ** - moral choices depend upon harm / care, fairness / reciprocity 礼尚往来
, in-group loyalty, authority / respect, purity / sanctity 尊严

  • Individual who choose moral action are popularly held to possess "moral fiber" otherwise, they may be labeled as socially degenerate.

continued existence of a group may depend on widespread conformity to codes of morality; inability to adjust to moral codes in response to new challenges is sometimes credited to demise of a community.

For conservatives, liberals have an " anuthing goes " morality that says everthing shouold be pritted for the sake of inclusion and diversity, no matter how bizorre ( strange ) or depraved

For liberals, conservatives lack of basic moral compassion, especially for oppressed groups and take perverse joy in seeing the rich get richer

EXAM TIPS : Utilitarain


15 July 2016 . 9am . Friday . English For Social Skills . Chapter 5 : Audience

19:54 Unknown 0 Comments

Audience Demographics

 As a property negotiator, we have to understand who is our buyer ..
  1. Age
  2. Gender
  3. Ethnicity
  4. Education
  5. Religion
  6. Economic Status
  7. Group Membership

  • age gap
  • male & female
  • transgender

  • Asian
  • American
  • Korean
  •  Secondary
  • University
  • muslin
  • buddhism
  • Chirstian

Economic Status
  • Income

Group Membership
  •  professional that attach to the board

Level of Influence


Psycho graphic of the audience

Science of behavior and mental process

 Value is inside, Behavior is outsite

Try to think and relate real estate industry

Remark :

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs


the topic should include into the presentation when you are presenting a new property to buyer

VALS Typology (Values and Lifestyle )

people will change the VALS accordingly to the scenario & situation
  1. survivors
  2. makers
  3. strivers
  4. believers
  5. experiencers
  6. achievers
  7. thinkers
  8. innovators
Survivors 生存
  • cautious
  • thrifty 节俭 - using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully

Makers 制作者
  • strong interest in automotive 
  • believe in gender rules - women should be in the kitchen and man should be working
Strivers ( to make strenuous efforts toward any goal )
  •  they desire to do better in their life
 Believers 信徒
  • believe in fate and spiritually

  • reseach and consider before the act
  • financially establish

  • new idea and technology

Specific Speaking Situation

Remark : http://www.strategicbusinessinsights.com/


Please be careful this agent Dax

07:36 Unknown 0 Comments


13 July 2016 . 11 am . Wed Management Exam

06:21 Unknown 0 Comments


13 July 2016 . 9am . Wed : Econ Exam

06:20 Unknown 0 Comments


11 July 2016, 9am, Monday : Building Tech ; Walls

18:08 Unknown 0 Comments

18 July 2016 Quiz

Fill in the blank

Build captivity wall in the future for my house. Thermal Insulation

DPC - Course
need very skillful
3 coats with difference direction

DPM - membrane

youtube - watch DPM treatment

nail ( roof nail ) the tile on the roof
buy insurance for house