Chapter 8 : Developement Control & Planning Standard . Chapter 9 : Density Control

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Chapter 8 : Development control and planning standard

What is development control?

  • Tool used by local authority to control the development of land
  • Ensure the implementation of development according to the approved plan
  • Determines how the planning should be done
  • Determine the factor enabling the planning process

What development control is required?

  • Create balance development between social, economic and physical
  • Protect the local population / interest from adverse effect or ineffective or planning that may give a negative impact
  • Ensure all development are made according to the approved plan.

What are the instrument development control?

  • Zoning
  • Density Control
  • Planning standard
  • Development plant
  • Planning permission
  • Appeal board

What is planning standard?

  • Is a written statement which acts as reference for development approval by local planning authorities in controlling land use to achieve
  • Uniformity
  • Complacency
  • Safe execution
  • Proposal should adhere to the guidelines that have been set

What is the purpose planning standard?

  • Standardized and effective planning process in the preparation of a layout plan, building design as well as basic utilities and public amenities
  • Avoid conflict of land use of building through population and building intensity.
  • Able to create comfortable and liveable environmen
  • To avoid emergence of squatters and slums exists

Chapter 9 : Density Control
what is density control?
  • according to Town and Country Planning Act 1976
  • Its mean intensity of use of land reckoned 土地估计 or expressed in terms of the number of person 人数 , dwelling units 住宅单位 or habitable rooms 可居住的房间
  • or any combination those factors, per unit area of land 单位面积土地
  • for the purpose of this definition habitable room does not include a kitchen, storeroom, utility room, lavatory 厕, bathroom or garage 车库.

What is residential density?
  • refer to the number of people ( population ) or the amount of housing ( accommodation ) divide by the number of hectares including dwellings and gardens plus half the width of surrounding roads. 
  • residential density is the ratio of a population to residential land area.
What is low density, medium density and high density?
  • low density : 1 - 6 unit per hectare = 5 - 30 population
  • medium density : 12 - 15 unit per hectare = 50 - 75 population
  • high density : 60 - 100 unit per hectare = 300 - 500 population
What is the function of residential density?
  • to ensure effectiveness of the land
  • to ensure variety of development in an area
  • to give reasonable minimum requirement for comport and a satisfactory environment
  • to ensure an adequate condition of community facilities in an area 
 what is commercial density?
  • commercial density for achieving a variety and division of commercial activity which allows to town/city to function at its most efficient level
  • ensuring a balanced pattern of growth and commercials needs also acting as a guide for the future development. 
What is the aim or objective of commercial density?
  • ensure adequate space is available for movement, car parking and to safeguard sunlight and daylight within the proposal layout of building.
  • to balance with public transportation and traffic system and creating an attractive ambience, conserving historical building.
  • done through plot ratio, plinth area and height zoning.

What is industry density?
  • controlling density for industrial categorizations to achieve a systematic industrial layout and network.
  • Aims to attract foreign and local investor to invest in particular industrial market
  • done through plot ratio, plinth area and height zoning.

What is Plot Ratio?
  • ratio of total gross floor area of a development to its site area.
  • the gross floor area usually takes into account the entire area within the perimeter of the exterior walls of the building, which includes the thickness of internal and external walls, stairs, services ducts ,lift shafts all circulation spaces and so on.
  • site area refers to the total lot area of the development which in most cases is preciesly defined in the planning document
  • since the definations of both floor and site areas are relatively clear in the measurment
  • plot ratio is considered as one of the most unambiguous density measures
  • in planning practice, plot ratio is extensively adopeted as standard indicator for the regualtion of land use zoning and developement control
  • furthurmore, maximum plot ratio is often controlled in the master plan in order to govern the extent of build and to prevent underdevelopment

What is plinth area?
  • is built up covered area of a building measured at floor level of any story
  • is calculated by taking external dimension of the building at floor level

How many story can build with plot ratio 1:9. land area 2,000 sqm. Plinth area = 70%?
Land area = 2,000 sqm
Proposed development : office tower
Plot ratio : 1:9 ==> 2,000 sqm x 9 = 18,000 sqm (gross floor area G.F.A )
Plinth area = 70% of total land area ==> 70% of 2,000 sqm = 1,400 sqm
Building height = 18,000 sqm / 1,400sqm = 12 Storey to 15 story

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