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explain what ethics in Marketing is and give three (3) examples of unethical
practices marketing managers have to deal with.
(4 marks)
moral principles behind the operation and regulation of marketing
3 example of unethical practice marketing managers are
- receive free give or hamper from the supplier
- misleading advertisement
- misrepresentation of the product
Marketing Systems (VMS) provide channel leadership and consist of producers,
wholesalers, and retailers acting as a unified system. DISCUSS THREE (3) types
of vertical marketing systems. Support your answers with relevant examples.
(4 marks)
( control and maintained by? amount of cooperation, example )
administrated - some to good - total leadership - procter and gamble
contractual - fairy good to good - legal relationship - franchise like Mc Donald's
corporate vertical - complete - total ownership - distribution single ownership Iphone
Concept Store is all about looking good without the hefty price tag. The store
keeps up-to-date with the latest fashion trends for ladies, men and children.
List briefly describe THREE (3) major forms of promotional mix. How Padini
could use each form of promotional mix to sell its products and services. (6 marks)
paid promotion and presentationdss idea used television, radio, newspaper, social media and Internet ads
sale promotion
stimulating consumer purchase and is usually based on a short-term or
immediate goal.
Examples of sales promotion items are contests, free samples or coupons.
public relationship
helps build a positive public image for a company
donate a percentage of ticket sales to local charities
consumer product is a product bought to satisfy an individual’s personal wants.
Briefly describe the various classifications for consumer products and provide
an example of each classification. (6 marks)
Convenience Goods
frequent purchases
little effort needed to purchase without any research and price comparing
Examples : fast food,
toiletries and confectionery products.
Shopping Goods
more expensive
expect to have them for longer
will do some research
prior to purchase comparing product features
and price.
Examples : fridge/freezers and washing machine
Speciality goods
expensive - pay a premium
unique features or branding
x compare them with other products as the goods have
features unique to them.
Instead they will spend time searching for the
retailer selling the product they want.
Example : designer clothes, luxury cars, antiques.
Professional services
provided by a person known for the effectiveness and quality of their
work can also come under this category.
For example Lawyers and
Accountants provide speciality services.
Unsought products
consumer either does not know about or knows about but does not consider buying under normal conditions
consumers do not think about normally, at least not until they need them
require much more advertising, selling and marketing efforts than other types of consumer products
examples of these types of consumer products are life insurance, pre-planned funeral services
marketing philosophy defines the mission of a company using the satisfaction
and benefits that the company offers; it focuses on a two-way system of
communication with the customer, so that the marketing department understands
the customer needs more clearly. Briefly describe five (5) marketing management
philosophies. (10 marks)
Production Concept
- assumption that consumers prefer a product which is inexpensive and widely available
- companies focus on producing more of the product and making sure that it is available to the customer everywhere easily
- Supply creates its own demand
- Increase in the production of the product makes the companies get
advantage of economies of scale.
- This decreased production cost makes
the product inexpensive and more attractive to the customer.
Low price may attract new customers, but focus is just on production
and not on the product quality. This may result in decrease in sales if
the product is not up to the standards.
This philosophy will only work when the demand is more than the
supply. Moreover, a customer will not always prefer an inexpensive
product over others. There are many other factors which influence his
purchase decision.
Examples of Production Concept of Marketing Management Philosophies
- Companies whose product market is spread all over the world may use this approach.
- Companies having an advantage of monopoly.
- Any other company whose product’s demand is more than its supply.
Product Concept
This concept works on an assumption that customers prefer products of
‘greater quality’ and ‘price and availability’ doesn’t influence their
purchase decision. Hence company devotes most of its time in developing a
product of greater quality which might turn out to be expensive.
Following this concept may result in the company being a victim of
customer relations as it doesn’t look at all the needs of the customer
which include ‘Price, availability, and other basic needs like
promotion, etc.’ rather than just quality.
Examples of Product Concept of Marketing Management Philosophies
- Companies in technology industry.
- Companies having an advantage of monopoly.
Selling Concept
Production and product concept both focus on production, either more or
of good quality. But Selling Concept, though still a company oriented
approach, focuses on making an actual sale of the product. Selling
Concept focuses on making every possible sale of the product, regardless
of the quality of the product or the need of the customer. The main
focus is to make money. This philosophy doesn’t include building
relations with the customers. Hence repeated sales are very less.
Companies following this concept may even try to deceive the customers
to make them buy their product
Companies which follow this philosophy have a short sighted approach as
they ‘try to sell what they make rather than what market wants’.
Examples of Selling Concept of Marketing Management Philosophies
- Sometimes companies having huge competition follow this approach.
- Fraudulent companies.
Marketing Concept
This concept works on an assumption that consumers buy products
which fulfil their needs. Hence, business has to conduct a research to
know about customers’ needs and wants and how to fulfil them, better
than the competitors of course. By doing so, the business makes a
relation with the customer and generate profits in the long run.
However this isn’t the only philosophy which should be followed. Many
business still follow other concepts and make profits. It totally
depends on the demand and supply and the needs of the parties involved.
Examples of Marketing Concept of Marketing Management Philosophies
- Companies in perfect competition.
- Companies who want to stay in the market for long time.
Social Marketing Concept
Business focus on how to fulfil the needs of the customer without
effecting the environment, natural resources and focusing on society’s
wellbeing. This philosophy believes that the business is a part of the
society and hence should take part in social services like elimination
of poverty, illiteracy, and controlling explosive population growth etc.
Many of the big companies have included corporate social responsibility as a part of their marketing activities.
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Chapter 8 : Development control and planning standard
What is development
- Tool used by local authority to control the development of
- Ensure the implementation of development according to the
approved plan
- Determines how the planning should be done
- Determine the factor enabling the planning process
What development
control is required?
- Create balance development between social, economic and
- Protect the local population / interest from adverse effect
or ineffective or planning that may give a negative impact
- Ensure all development are made according to the approved
What are the
instrument development control?
- Zoning
- Density Control
- Planning standard
- Development plant
- Planning permission
- Appeal board
What is planning
- Is a written statement which acts as reference for development
approval by local planning authorities in controlling land use to achieve
- Uniformity
- Complacency
- Safe execution
- Proposal should adhere to the guidelines that have been set
What is the purpose
planning standard?
- Standardized and effective planning process in the
preparation of a layout plan, building design as well as basic utilities and
public amenities
- Avoid conflict of land use of building through population
and building intensity.
- Able to create comfortable and liveable environmen
- To avoid emergence of squatters and slums exists
Chapter 9 : Density Control
what is density control?
- according to Town and Country Planning Act 1976
- Its mean intensity of use of land reckoned 土地估计 or expressed in terms of the number of person 人数 , dwelling units 住宅单位 or habitable rooms 可居住的房间
- or any combination those factors, per unit area of land 单位面积土地
- for the purpose of this definition habitable room does not include a kitchen, storeroom, utility room, lavatory 厕, bathroom or garage 车库.
What is residential density?
- refer to the number of people ( population ) or the amount of housing ( accommodation ) divide by the number of hectares including dwellings and gardens plus half the width of surrounding roads.
- residential density is the ratio of a population to residential land area.
What is low density, medium density and high density?
- low density : 1 - 6 unit per hectare = 5 - 30 population
- medium density : 12 - 15 unit per hectare = 50 - 75 population
- high density : 60 - 100 unit per hectare = 300 - 500 population
What is the function of residential density?
- to ensure effectiveness of the land
- to ensure variety of development in an area
- to give reasonable minimum requirement for comport and a satisfactory environment
- to ensure an adequate condition of community facilities in an area
what is commercial density?
- commercial density for achieving a variety and division of commercial activity which allows to town/city to function at its most efficient level
- ensuring a balanced pattern of growth and commercials needs also acting as a guide for the future development.
What is the aim or objective of commercial density?
- ensure adequate space is available for movement, car parking and to safeguard sunlight and daylight within the proposal layout of building.
- to balance with public transportation and traffic system and creating an attractive ambience, conserving historical building.
- done through plot ratio, plinth area and height zoning.
What is industry density?
- controlling density for industrial categorizations to achieve a systematic industrial layout and network.
- Aims to attract foreign and local investor to invest in particular industrial market
- done through plot ratio, plinth area and height zoning.
What is Plot Ratio?
- ratio of total gross floor area of a development to its site area.
- the gross floor area usually takes into account the entire area within the perimeter of the exterior walls of the building, which includes the thickness of internal and external walls, stairs, services ducts ,lift shafts all circulation spaces and so on.
- site area refers to the total lot area of the development which in most cases is preciesly defined in the planning document
- since the definations of both floor and site areas are relatively clear in the measurment
- plot ratio is considered as one of the most unambiguous density measures
- in planning practice, plot ratio is extensively adopeted as standard indicator for the regualtion of land use zoning and developement control
- furthurmore, maximum plot ratio is often controlled in the master plan in order to govern the extent of build and to prevent underdevelopment
What is plinth area?
- is built up covered area of a building measured at floor level of any story
- is calculated by taking external dimension of the building at floor level
How many story can build with plot ratio 1:9. land area 2,000 sqm. Plinth area = 70%?
Land area = 2,000 sqm
Proposed development : office tower
Plot ratio : 1:9 ==>
2,000 sqm x 9 = 18,000 sqm (gross floor area G.F.A )
Plinth area = 70% of total land area ==> 70% of 2,000 sqm = 1,400 sqm
Building height = 18,000 sqm / 1,400sqm = 12 Storey to 15
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“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” - Immanuel Kant
“Land use planning means to create a
fair and efficient use of land that helps shape and protect the quality
of our towns, cities and countryside and facilitate or promote
developments which are of a high quality and sustainable”. - Tiesdell
and Allmendinger.
From the above statements, explain the
problems in Land Use Planning. You are given three (3) main problems
in Land Use Planning. You are required to explain in details each
problem and you may choose any case study (in Malaysia) as a reference
and supporting your explanation. Other than that, you should choose and
explain one (1) case study (around the world) that can be the best
example of Successful Land Use Planning.
Problems in Land Use Planning:
a. Increase in population
b. Environment issues
c. Traffic congestion
Increase Population
Mengatasi kesesakan lalu lintas di bandar tanpa membina jalan raya
Apa itu kesesakan lalu lintas?
Kesan-kesannya terhadap social, ekonomi dan persekitaran
case study in malaysia
Apa itu kepadatatan populasi ?
Kesan-kesannya terhadap social, ekonomi dan persekitaran
case study in malaysia
Apa itu masalah persekitaran akibat perancangan tidak teratur?
pencemaran air
pencemaran udara
Umum mengetahui pembangunan yang pesat menyumbang pelbagai
impak negatif seperti peningkatan suhu, kemerosotan sumber bekalan air, gangguan
kepada habitat haiwan, perubahan iklim yang tidak menentu, dan kemerosotan proses
kejadian hujan khususnya ekoran kemusnahan hutan semula jadi
hutan terhadap suhu persekitaran, sistem saliran, dan komponen ekosistem lain jelas
saling berkait. Sebarang bentuk gangguan terhadap salah sebuah komponen ini akan
memberi kesan negatif kepada komponen lain
Kesesakan merupakan antara permasalahan yang melibatkan jalan raya.
Kebiasaannya, kesesakan terjadi di jaringan pengangkutan daratan yang
melibatkan jalan raya.
Kesesakan juga ialah ketidakupayaan
untuk bergerak dengan lancar. Ia merupakan fenomena dimana barisan
panjang kenderaan yang bergerak secara perlahan-lahan atau berhenti di jalan raya. Kesesakan lalu lintas disebabkan oleh konflik di antara
pelbagai jenis trafik seperti kereta, trak, bas atau pejalan kaki dan kawalan
trafik yang tidak digunakan dengan cekap.
Punca- Punca
kesesakan lalu lintas berlaku disebabkan oleh barisan kenderaan menjadi panjang di
sepanjang perjalanan dan kenderaan tidak dapat bergerak dengan lancer
disebabkan halangan tertentu. Antara bentuk-bentuk halangan yang wujud ialah
persimpangan dan lampu isyarat yang mempengaruhi kelengahan, kemalangan jalan
raya, banjir kilat dan juga penyelenggaraan jalan raya.
Perancangan jalan raya yang tidak cekap
Wujud persimpangan dan lampu isyarat yang mempengaruhi kelengahan
sistem jalan raya tidak dapat menampung
isipadu trafik pada kelajuan yang memadai.
Kawalan trafik yang tidak diguna dengan cekap
kewujudan polis trafik untuk mengawal trafik pada masa peak hour terutamanya di persimpangan dan kawasan yang ada banyak lampu isyarat
Menurut Bruton (1982), kesesakan lalu
lintas boleh menimbulkan ketidakselesaan dan masalah emosi (marah, runsing dan
tekanan fikiran) yang boleh mengganggu penumpuan pemandu di jalan raya dan
seterusnya menyebabkan kejadian kemalangan. Kepadatan pergerakan kenderaan
boleh juga menyebabkan berkumpulnya bahan pencemaran daripada ekzos kenderaan
dalam ruang bandaraya. Kepadatan pergerakan kenderaan berlaku apabila orang
ramai mempunyai destinasi yang sama. Masalah kebolehsampaian kenderaan ialah
kerana pertambahan pergerakan kenderaan yang tidak lancer dan kelemahan
infrastruktur jalan raya. Selain itu, kurangnya laluan trafik yang sistematik
yang menimbulkan konflik antara pejalan kaki dengan kenderaan bermotor dan
antara kenderaan dengan kenderaan sendiri.
Pembangunan berorientasikan transit
Bagi kebanyakan bandar-bandar besar, kereta
persendirian merupakan mod utama pengangkutan. Ini bermakna setiap orang
akan memandu kereta masing-masing untuk bergerak dari satu tempat ke
tempat lain. Dengan membina projek perumahan berkepadatan tinggi dalam
jarak berjalan kaki daripada sistem transit sedia ada seperti LRT,
Monorail dan MRT, kita boleh menggalakkan penggunaan pengangkutan awam
dan mengurangkan jumlah kenderaan persendirian di jalan raya semasa
waktu puncak.
Kemudahan pengangkutan awam
Mewujudkan laluan khas untuk bas/teksi di jalan
raya membolehkan kenderaan awam membawa orang ramai daripada titik A ke
titik B dengan lebih cepat. Walau bagaimanapun, sekiranya laluan
bas/teksi ditambah, kita akan kehilangan satu laluan kereta. Model
perisian boleh membantu menganalisis jaringan transit secara keseluruhan
untuk mensimulasikan jumlah kenderaan yang boleh ditampung oleh laluan
tertentu sekiranya sistem tersebut dilaksanakan dan masa yang boleh
dijimatkan dalam perjalanan harian.
Tol harga sesak
Sistem harga sesak yang berjaya dilaksanakan di
Singapura dan London telah membantu bandar raya untuk meningkatkan
kapasiti jalan raya sedia ada. Dengan mengenakan tol kepada pengguna
untuk memandu ke pusat bandar, ia mewujudkan insentif untuk berkongsi
kereta. Sudah tentu, orang ramai masih boleh memandu sendiri jika mereka
sanggup membayar. Walau bagaimanapun, ini merupakan dasar yang boleh
digunakan untuk mengurangkan kemahuan orang ramai memandu kenderaan
Perkhidmatan perkongsian basikal
Basikal tidak mengambil ruang yang banyak seperti
kereta. Oleh itu, kita dapat memuatkan lebih banyak basikal berbanding
kereta dalam mana-mana laluan jalan raya. Walaupun peningkatan jumlah
penunggang basikal akan mengambil ruang jalan yang sedia ada untuk
mewujudkan lorong basikal, laluan ini biasanya hanya separuh lebar
berbanding laluan kereta. Skim perkongsian basikal boleh membantu
menggalakkan orang ramai untuk menukar kereta mereka kepada mod
pengangkutan alternatif ini. Sebagai manfaat sampingan, basikal adalah
baik untuk kesihatan penunggang dan untuk alam sekitar.
laporan tinjauan kajian rancangan struktur Negeri Selangor 2035
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Land Use Planning (ETM 3204) ASSIGNMENT
“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” - Immanuel Kant
“Land use planning means to create a fair and efficient use of land that helps shape and protect the quality of our towns, cities and countryside and facilitate or promote developments which are of a high quality and sustainable”. - Tiesdell and Allmendinger.
From the above statements, explain the problems in Land Use Planning. You are given three (3) main problems in Land Use Planning. You are required to explain in details each problem and you may choose any case study (in Malaysia) as a reference and supporting your explanation. Other than that, you should choose and explain one (1) case study (around the world) that can be the best example of Successful Land Use Planning.
Problems in Land Use Planning:
a. Increase in population
b. Environment issues
c. Traffic congestion
The assignment format should contain:
1) Define the problem
2) The reason
3) The impact to social, economy and environment
4) Solution to solve the problem
5) Find case study in Malaysia (explain in details)
6) Find case study (around the world) that can be the example of Successful Land Use Planning. (explain in details -why,how, consists of 3 element of sustainable development)
1. This is a group assignment. Each group should consists of 2 members.
2. You are required to write the report using Font 11, Spacing 1.5, New Times Roman,
Pages:15-20 pages only. 3.
Last date of submission on
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