26 Sep 2016 . Mon . 2pm . Malaysian Studies Chapter 2 : Emergency Era ( 1948 - 1960 ) National Independence

23:08 Unknown 0 Comments

Hi guys, pls to be informed that Mr. Amir's class for the Malaysian Studies today will be replaced with Mr. Syam.
Mr Amir need to attend important meeting this afternoon.
Ms.Syasya will only taking over the weekend's class for subject Malaysian Studies. Thanks.


Communist Threat

Emergency Era
  • 16 June 1948 - Perak and Johor as emergency areas.
  • 17 June 1948 - a state of emergency was declared to the whole Malaya.
  • 23 July 1948 - MCP was banned with reasons 3 European estate manages killed in Perak.
  • 1948 - Gave powers to the police and soldiers to arrest and detain communist suspect without trial

3 Measures Taken

1. Briggs plan
2. Military measures
  • introduced by Sir Gerald Templer
  • 13 battalions of English soldiers, Gurkhass and Malays
  • training 67,000 special Malays soldier
  • home guards systems with 210,000 of them in 1953
  • assistance from the commonwealth military ( Australia, NZ & Rhodesia - Zimbabwe and  Zambia )
3. Psychological warfare ( Templer Plan )

The Baling Negotiation

Outcomes From The Negotiation

Impact Of The Emergency
  • 31 July 1960 end of emergency
  • a number of people killed and injured
  • properties were destroyed
  • economy was crippled
  • nwe villages were develope
  • properties were destroyed
  • ethnic tentsion
  • British grant independence

Towards Independence


26 Sep 2016 . Mond . 11am . English For Business Communication Chapter 3 : International Business Communication

20:24 Unknown 0 Comments

Why Communication Is Important?
its a lifeblood of every organization
internal communication
  • upward communication
  • downward communication
  • lateral or horizontal communication
external communication

What Is Communication?
Communication is the art of transmitting information, ideas and attitudes from one person to another. Communication is he process of meaningful interaction among human beings.
  • personal process
  • occurs between people
  • involves change in behaviour
  • means to influence others
  • expression of thoughts
  • and emotions through words & actions
  • tools for controlling and motivating people
  • its a social and emotional process

Features Of Communication
  • 2 way process
  • information sharing and understanding
  • verbal and non-verbal
  • circular flow
  • goal oriented
  • continuous process 
  • pervasive activity

Components of Communication
  • Sender - Encoder
  • Message
  • Medium ( channel )
  • Receiver Decoder
  • Feedback

Components Of Communication Process

sender => encoding message => message channel => decoding message => receiver

Type Of Communication
  • Verbal Communication 
  • Non Verbal Communication

Barriers In Communication 
Communicating is straightforward. what makes its complex, difficult and frustrating are the barriers we put in the way. Below are the Top Barriers

  • Expectations
  • Avoidance
  • Fixing
  • Scapgoating
  • Probing
  • Speaking In Code
  • Control
  • Blaming
  • Conflict Avoidance ( Chaos )
  • Exclusion
  • Boundary or Barrier
  • Information Overload
  • Trust & Credibility
  • Time
  • Emotions
  • Message Congruency

Principles Of  Effective Communication

Seven C's Of Effective Communication 
  • Completeness
  • Conciseness
  • Consideration
  • Clarity
  • Concretesness
  • Cortesy
  • Correctness
 conciseness - precise, short and sharp, straight to the point, avoid unnecessary repetition

consideration -

clarity - construct effectiveness sentences and paragraphs



26 Sep 2016 . 9am . Monday . Introduction To Information Technology Chapter 1 : Introduction To Computers ( Replacement )

20:18 Unknown 0 Comments

Chapter 1


19 Sep 2016 . 9am . Monday . Information Technology Chapter 1 : Introduction To Computer

22:43 Unknown 0 Comments


Academic Information ( Sep 2016 - Dec 2016 )

22:39 Unknown 0 Comments

Annual Calendar  ( Sep 2016 - Dec 2016 )

week 1 = 19/09/16
week 2 = 26/09/16 
week 3 = 03/09/16
week 4 = 10/09/16
week 5 = 17/10/16 - Mid Semester Holiday
week 6 = 24/10/16
week 7 = 31/10/16
week 8 = 07/11/16 - Assignment Submission
week 9 = 14/11/16 - Revision Week
week 10 = 21/11/16 - Final Exam
week 11 = 28/11/16 - Semester Holiday
week 12  = 05/12/16 - Semester Holiday
week 13 = 12/12/16 - Semester Holiday
week 14 = 19/12/16 - Semester Holiday
week 15 = 26/12/16 - Semester Holiday
week 16 = 02/01/17 - Result on 05/01/16

ENL 2202 English For Business Communication - Ms Chong
week 1 = 19/09/16
week 2 = 26/09/16 
week 3 = 03/09/16
week 4 = 10/09/16 Test ( Chapter 2&3)
week 5 = 17/10/16 Mid Semester Holiday
week 6 = 24/10/16
week 7 = 31/10/16
week 8 = 07/11/16 
week 9 = 14/11/16 - Revision Week
week 10 = 21/11/16 - Final Exam
week 11 = 28/11/16 - Semester Holiday
week 12  = 05/12/16 - Semester Holiday
week 13 = 12/12/16 - Semester Holiday
week 14 = 19/12/16 - Semester Holiday
week 15 = 26/12/16 - Semester Holiday
week 16 = 02/01/17 - Result on 05/01/16


19 Sep 2016 . 2pm . Mon . Malaysia Studies Chapter 1 : Traditional Malay Kingdom

22:23 Unknown 0 Comments

Lecturer For Malaysia Studies : Amir

Credit From Ramani : Malaysia Studies by Oxford Fajar Sdn Bhd 2nd Edition
 ISBN 978 983 47 1274 7

Traditional Malay Kindom

Powerful Malay Kingdoms existed in the Malays Archipelago since the 1st centurty
Center of trade, government and the spread of religion
A few of them had extensive vassal states

Islands of the Malays Archipelago
  • also know as Malays Worlds
  • they free to move no boundary
  • it was characterized as a nation with one Malay language and culture
  • Western colonialist divided the Island of Malay Archipelago
The English - Peninsula Malaysia and part of Borneo Island
Dutch - Indonesia
French - Indochina
Spanish - Philipines

Old Kedah - 5th Century
  • monarchy system
  • strategic location
  • important entrepot
  • influenced by Hinduism and Buddhism

Chitu - Tu - 6th Century
  • Kelantan
  • influenced by Buddhism
  • strong relationship with China
  • ruling system influenced by Hindu culture

Tan - Tan - 6th Century
  • Terengganu
  • ruling system influenced by Indian ruling system
  • strong relationship with China
The Malay Kindom Of Malacca
  • the concept of modern Malaysia strarted with Melacca prior to 1400
  • it was he most influential kingdom and marked the beginning of socio politics tradition of the Malays in Malaysia.
The Golden Age of Malacca
  • land where The Wind Meet
  • crossroad of Chinese, Indian and Arabian trade routes

  •  international trading port
  • fabled spice islands
  • reasonable taxation system
  • usage of currenct
  • Islam as official regligion
  • centre of spreading Islam
  • Malays languages as lingua franca

expansion of its empire building - the whole of Penisula Malaysia and part of Sumatra
strong military system
diplomatic relations : China, Java, India & Siam
systematic and efficient admistration
important officials : Finance Minister, Admiral, The Chief of Defense, Chief Bursar and the Harbour- Master
maintenance of law and order : Laws of Melacca, Maritime Laws of Malacca.

Fall Of Malacca
  • weak leader
  • bribery and corruption
  • disunity among the people
  • attacked from Portuguese in 1511
  • Tin Ore in Malay Peninsula
  • Spice Monopoly
  • 17th century - trading port
  • 18th century - natural resourses, competition, civil war / alliance

Political Impact after the British colinization
  • The Straits Settlement - Penang, Malacca & Singapore
  • The Federated Malays States - Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan & Pahang 
  • The Unfederated Malays States - Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan & Terengganu
  • Sabah
  • Sarawak
Economical Impact after the British colonization
  • system of transportation - road and railways
  • post, telephone and telegraph
  • modern agriculture - rubber and palm oil

Social Impact after the British colonization
  • vernacular system of education
  • multi ethnic society
  • historical building 

Japanese Occupation
Only 3.5 year but had a great impact on the country
the conquest was fast within 70 days
attack from 2 direction - east and west ( jitra and kota bahru )

to establish a New Great Asia Goverment
to solve economic problems in their country
1940 economic sanctions by US


19 Sep 2016 . 1145am . Mon . English For Business Communication Chapter 2 : Communication At Work

22:23 Unknown 0 Comments

Applying The Writing Process

Phase 1 ===> Phase 2 ==> Phase 3

check files, gather documentation
outline or list points to cover
compose first draft; expect to revise

Phase 1 ===> Phase 2 ==> Phase 3

do i really need to write
what communication channel is best
why am i writing
how will the reader react
how can i save my reader's time

Phase 1 ===> Phase 2 ==> Phase 3

revise for clarity and conciseness
proofread for correctness
plan for feedback

How Organizations Exchange Written Messages

Paper - Based Messages
Business Letters
Interoffice Memo

Electronic Messages
Instant Messaging
Text Messaging

Components of Email & Memo

  1. Subject lines 
  2. Opening
  3. Body
  4. Closing

summarize message clearly and concisely
avoid meaningless one word headings such as Help or Urgent

  1. Subject lines 
  2. Opening 
  3. Body
  4. Closing

frontload main idea immediately
avoid reviewing background

  1. Subject lines
  2. Opening 
  3. Body 
  4. Closing

orgainzize information and explainations logically
cover just one topic
use mumered and bulleted lists
consider adding headings for visual impact

  1. Subject lines
  2. Opening
  3. Body 
  4. Closing

end with action infomation , dates and deadlines
summarize the message
provide a closing thought
avoid overused expressions

Formatting Email Message
cover just on topic
use uppercase and lowercase letters
use short line length if message might be forwarded

consider a complimentay closing such as Best / Cheers
Included your name and full contact identification - especially for messages to outsiders. 

Using Emails Smartly, Safely & Professionally
  1. Getting Started 
  2. Content, Tone & Correctness 
  3. Netiquette 
  4. Reading And Replying  
  5. Personal Use 
  6. Other Smart Practice

Getting Started
  • consider composing off line
  • type the receiver's address correctly
  • avoid misleading subject lines
  • apply the top of the screen test
 Content, Tone & Correctness
  • be concise
  • don't send anything you wouldn't want published
  • don't use email to avoid contact
  • care about correctness and tone
  • resist humor and rage

  • limit any tendency to send blanket copies
  • never send " spam "
  • consider using identifying labels such as ACTION, FYI, RE, URGENT.
  • use capital letters only for emphasis or for publication titles
  • seek permission before forwarding and beware of long threads

Reading and Replying
  • scan all messages before replying
  • print only when necessary
  • acknowledge receipt
  • don't automatically return the sender's message
  • revise the subject, complete first sentence
  • never respond when you are angry

Personal Use
  • don't use company computers for personal matters unless allowed by your organization
  • assume that all emails is monitored

Other Smart Practices
  • use design to improve readability of longer messages
  • consider cultural differences
  • double-check before hitting the send button

 please write a email or memo in a proper format


19 Sep 2016 . 11am . Mon . English For Business Communication - Orientation

20:45 Unknown 0 Comments

Miss Chong


Lim CY - Not attach to any agency
Ray Chong -
Lai - From Selayang
Emmanuel - Construction.
Christopher Teh - Kuchai - From Dreamwest

Christopher Wong - From Kuching - Dreamwest Realty

Abigail Lee - Siamese From KL, Celcom Wiseman Realty

Steve Liao - Optometrist

Jane Goh - IPG Realty

Yebe Teh - Penang - IPG Realty

Tan Su Fu - IPG Realty

Welcome To All New Friends

Ken Teo Class Rep - 012 5922685

Lecturer For Business Communication

Final Exam